Season 1 Episode 8 – Naomi must take special care to protect her identity after Jacob shares obscure information with her and Annabelle; Greg and Jennifer celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary while also considering their future and how best to protect Naomi.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
This episode I’m not going to lie has been terrible but that ending has set it up nicely for next week! The Alien they have been looking for is in Naomi’s house, at her parent’s anniversary party. I’m very intrigued but I hope they don’t reach a dead end and actually find out who it is in next week’s episode.
What I Disliked
1. So after being offered by Zumbado to be trained using her powers, Naomi says she isn’t ready? Yet hasn’t she banged on since the very beginning saying she is ready?
2. The second week in a row Anthony and Nathan have been doing something completely irrelevant and boring. I got the first time, they had to get rid of the tension which is fair, but if they’re going to continue being part of the main cast, they should be doing something interesting and relevant at the very least.
3. 20 minutes in and I haven’t found anything to rant and rave about yet. Nothing of huge interest has happened, we’ve yet again drifted from the actual story and are just filling time with pointless crap.
4. So Jacob just returns to our screens after being completely irrelevant in every episode he’s been in, figured out Naomi has powers and now she’s just taking him with her to find other aliens? Okay then.
Favourite Moment
Finally a decent scene, and of course, it came from Dee and Zumbado. The tension between the pair has come as they disagree on how they should be training Naomi. Dee thinks teaching her to fight without her powers is more effective, Zumbado doesn’t and to prove his point he tells him to fight him, no powers. The main reason I loved this scene was that in the middle of the fight Zumbado breaks the rules and uses his powers, after Dee tells him he broke the rules he made a very good point, Naomi‘s enemies will also not hold back.
Standout Character
Zumbado is our standout this week. He didn’t do much but he had the best scene with Dee and given that I was on his side throughout their disagreement I have to give it to him. He’s completely right in what he says, it doesn’t matter if Naomi isn’t ready, if these enemies of hers turn up tomorrow she’s going to have to be ready regardless.
A very boring episode this week, it’s got absolutely nothing on what we’ve seen over the past couple of episodes. I hope they can bring it back next week.
Rating 4.6/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 5
Action - 5
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 3
Quality - 6
A very boring episode this week, it’s got absolutely nothing on what we’ve seen over the past couple of episodes. I hope they can bring it back next week.