Season 1 Episode 9 – New information leads Naomi to believe there is another alien in her midst; a visit from Cmdr. Steel prompts Dee and Zumbado to make an unexpected visit to the McDuffy home in the middle of the anniversary party.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I love a scene that gives me a good laugh, and the scene of Zumbado and Dee about to attend Naomi’s party did just that. Zumbado mocking Dee’s dress sense was hilarious, I love watching these two on-screen together.
2. The flash-forward scenes have been really intriguing throughout this episode. Definitely keeps me interested since the present scenes have been quite boring.
3. The show is finally making Anthony and Nathan more tolerable to watch, For me the constant fighting over Naomi was pathetic and Anthony was so in your face all the time. They’re toning it down a bit and making it easier to like them.
What I Disliked
1. So out of everyone at the party and everyone in the entire town that could have been on Naomi’s street the night the Disc was stolen it was 3 out of 5 of her best friends? Come on that’s so unrealistic.
2. Honestly the party scenes have been boring. I just don’t care for it at all, they haven’t made this other Alien interesting enough to really care.
Favourite Moment
Of course, Naomi’s parents have a contingency plan in place in case anyone set out to hurt them or Naomi, it makes full sense. To see them have to use this on Commander Steel was a great ending to this week’s episode after he realized what Naomi is and set out to expose her and her family. The parents fully thought this plan out and it was a smart one at that. Jen plants information on Steel’s computer to show he is obsessed with Aliens and targeting their family before he was taken out on a stretcher. Earlier throughout the episode, Jacob revealed that aliens can emit blue eyes in photographs processed in a specific chemical, and during this scene, as Naomi develops the last of her photographs, she sees herself and her parents emitting blue eyes.
Standout Character
Naomi is taking the standout this week. Her character is starting to grow on me and her story is getting more interesting alongside her parents.
This week’s episode wasn’t the worst but certainly wasn’t the best. I think now that we’ve had two episodes in a row that haven’t really focused on Naomi’s powers they definitely need to focus heavily on that for at least a couple of episodes going forward. But the twist with Commander steel and Naomi’s parents was certainly good to watch.
Rating 7.3/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 7
Action - 4
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 9.5
This week's episode wasn’t the worst but certainly wasn’t the best. I think now that we’ve had two episodes in a row that haven’t really focused on Naomi’s powers they definitely need to focus heavily on that for at least a couple of episodes going forward. But the twist with Commander steel and Naomi’s parents was certainly good to watch.