Season 1 Episode 11 – Naomi and Annabelle are looking forward to a perfect prom night with Nathan, Jacob and their entire junior class — but things rarely go as planned for a teenage superhero.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I did like the beginning of the episode now that Jen and Greg had the ability to truly tell the truth about what happened on their planet. I was fully expecting Naomi to be super overdramatic but she handled the entire situation very well.
2. Julian brutally has Naomi cornered. With Nathan, Annabelle and Jacob trapped behind a force field, she’s given the choice to either save those or the rest of the school. She manages to use super speed in order to deactivate them both saving everyone but this was super intense. Perhaps the most intense the series has been thus far.
3. In one of the flashbacks with Naomi and Nathan was actually decent. Nathan explains that he believes in destiny because there’s millions of decisions that lead you to this moment, right now. He’s right when you think of it. 3am and that actually got me thinking.
4. A decent ending to be fair. It did annoy me somewhat but Naomi and Nathan decide they need to break up due to the fact she’s going to be putting him in harms way and he can’t protect her. I do get it but I don’t see why superhero shows need to go down this route because if this show gets renewed, you can best believe this isn’t the end and it’ll all just be an entirely pointless plot. I enjoyed the scene for what it was though.
What I Disliked
Another episode dragging away from the actual story. I knew immediately by the trailer this episode was going to go off board. Almost 20 minutes in and besides the initial conversation, next to nothing has happened and the flashbacks are a complete waste of time, they’re simply not needed.
Favourite Moment
Well, after the 20 minute boring period we finally get a solid moment. After Nathan finally has enough of Naomi’s deception, he goes to walk away but Naomi struggles to maintain him due to the force field surrounding the school. This results in her having to tell him the truth about who she really is once and for all. This was a good moment between the pair.
Standout Character
It goes to Naomi this week purely because she stood out above the rest. I don’t think any particular character really stole the show this week but seeing Naomi feel helpless when Julian forced that decision on her made me really feel for the character, something I haven’t been able to connect with since the show debuted.
A somewhat decent episode for Naomi whose powers further manifest but the overall episode did feel like another filler yet again. This late into the season we should be expecting so much more than this. We haven’t even seen Brutus yet and the next episode is the two-episode finale.
Rating 6.2/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 7
Action - 1
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 8
A somewhat decent episode for Naomi whose powers further manifest but the overall episode did feel like another filler yet again. This late into the season we should be expecting so much more than this. We haven't even seen Brutus yet and the next episode is the two-episode finale.