Season 1 Episode 3 – Naomi gets guidance from Dee as she learns to harness her powers; Zumbado seeks out the help of an old friend to help further his plans.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I am glad to see Dee finally train Naomi. Granted he’s doing it slowly, but by doing it this way it would mean Naomi could become quite calculated when she’s in combat. I am excited to see her finally get into a proper fight. Whenever that will be. We do get a glimpse of Naomi somewhat controlling her powers which is a good advancement for the show. She manages to get into Zumbado’s safe to grab the disc back. I do hope she learns her powers quicker than it has been so far.
2. I’m a bit thrown back that they’ve introduced Adam Blake. This is a good move for the show to include a cosmic character.
3. A good move from Naomi going for the translation key. It was actually a pretty good moment when she manages to gain a pathway to get to the key. It also showed that Naomi’s powers may be overpowered once she gets to grips with them. It’s what I’m holding out for with this show.
What I Disliked
1. I’m sorry but in the scene where Naomi’s group is performing the analysis on the disc, it smokes out resulting in the group jumping back frightened. The acting here was awful. It just felt like I was watching a child’s show. Not to mention that of course, Zumbado had a secret safe. Further plummeting this show into one of the most dragged-out shows on the planet.
2. Another missed opportunity. It’s great that they’ve introduced Adam Blake into the show, but the moment they were stormed by some form of agents, Naomi and Dee dip out and Blake stays behind to handle the agents. It didn’t show us that. We know Adam has some incredible powers so why in the hell did we NOT see this?! The action in this show at present is atrociously poor. Is there actually anything this show is going to show us?!
3. Zumbado is back talking to the same woman he was at the beginning and we get snippets of a backstory which none of it makes sense. They keep feeding us these tiny snippets creating more and more questions and barely answering the ones we have already have. It’s poor storytelling. We’re 3 episodes in and have no idea who Zumbado is, where he came from or even what his powers are.
Favourite Moment
It’s crazy that the most advanced for the show comes from Naomi’s parents. They actually take her to the forest where they found her. Once Naomi touches the stump the same letters glow around it, so I believe at this stage it’s safe to assume her parents know she’s an alien. We also know how it’s the military that’s hunting the aliens.
Standout Character
It’s difficult to choose anybody that stood out in this episode but I think Naomi just edges it. We manage to see her use her powers on two separate occasions and it looks to be getting easier with each time. I am praying this will lead to her going full power in the coming episodes.
This show seriously needs to stop beating around the bush. I’m clinging on because the show has an extreme amount of potential but the story is being dragged out so much I’m beginning to switch off. The show is losing around 9% of its live viewership per episode and I can see why. There’s no action, alongside the show creating more questions with each episode without bothering to answer them. We need to get to the point and get to it fast as does the action. 3 episodes in and we’ve had 2 scenes that would have been amazing with Superman and Blake but we got nothing. It’s missed opportunities from the showrunners. The 4th episode needs to come in with a bang.
Rating 5.4/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 6
Action - 2
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 5
Quality - 8
This show seriously needs to stop beating around the bush. I’m clinging on because the show has an extreme amount of potential but the story is being dragged out so much I’m beginning to switch off. The show is losing around 9% of its live viewership per episode and I can see why. There’s no action, alongside the show creating more questions with each episode without bothering to answer them. We need to get to the point and get to it fast as does the action. 3 episodes in and we’ve had 2 scenes that would have been amazing with Superman and Blake but we got nothing. It’s missed opportunities from the showrunners. The 4th episode needs to come in with a bang.