Hogwarts Legacy is shaping up to be the best magical video game set inside the Harry Potter universe, everything that is coming out of it in terms of information, gameplay, trailers, and screenshots are all seemingly doing amazing with the internet crowd and fans of the franchise in general.
Albeit there is a portion of fans that will be “boycotting” the game because of issues surrounding JK Rowling, While that is people’s right to do so, I’m fully on board with the game and excited to play it on day one of release.
Lately, a significant issue has arrived in the form of “Quidditch” in-game. Quidditch will NOT be playable inside of the game. I have some thoughts about this.

Honestly, it doesn’t phase me in the slightest that we won’t be able to play Quidditch in the game. That’s the thing with Hogwarts, it’s a massive school. Not everyone will be playing Quidditch.
It’s like a football team, only certain people are on the team. Quidditch has always been linked to Harry Potter and the Potter family so to move away from that is a good thing.
Would I love to play Quidditch? Sure. Will I dislike the game because I can not play it? Not at all.
With how your character and story is set up it’s already set that you will not get the opportunity as the other students at Hogwarts. You are a fifth-year student, only just joining the school.
As IGN stated, “Hogwarts Legacy won’t feature playable Quidditch” this makes me think you can still watch Quidditch matches take place throughout the game.
Also, you can still fly brooms around Hogwarts.
Don’t get me wrong, Quidditch has a long history with Hogwarts but I just think that it’s a good idea to not be involved in that, and let the student (your character) become part of other activities in the game. It would change it up from being very similar to Harry’s story.