Season 1 Episode 2 – On a dangerous crime-ridden world, Obi-Wan becomes a target.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The planet Obi-Wan finds himself on is super interesting. It feels very Gotham-y (if that makes sense) on how it is. It’s full of drugs, crime, and people pretending to be Jedi in order to extort citizens. You can’t deny the world of Star Wars is just absolutely massive.
2. Kenobi showing he still has tricks up his sleeve. After he falls for the “trap” set by the Third Sister, he manages to still outsmart the 3 who took Leia without his saber. This is now getting super intense.
3. The Third Sister continues to piss off the Grand Inquisitor, even to the point he’s relieved her from her duties due to her kidnapping of an Imperialist’s daughter (Leia). It shows that despite the Inquisitor’s brute strength, they do offer a lot of restraint.
4. That uppercut from Obi-Wan on that bounty hunter was fabulous. That’s all I need to say on that, what a hit!
5. Obi-Wan somewhat referencing Padme to Leia was sad. After Leia’s attitude during the entire episode, he stops for a second to look at her and explain she reminds him of someone. A brief but emotional moment.
6. For the first time, we see Kenobi’s reaction to finding out that Anakin/Vader is still alive. You can see the genuine fear and confusion on his face when the Third Sister tells him.
7. Immediately after, the Third Sister straight up stands the Grand Inquisitor and kills him. We knew the tension was building but damn, I was not expecting that at all.
8. We also at the very end get our first look at Hayden Christensen as Vader is the bacta tank and oh boy, he looks terrific! I cannot wait for the next episode.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report in this episode.
Favourite Moment
After Leia intelligently figures out she was just baited for Kenobi, she runs away forcing him to chase her down whilst being shot at. The top moment comes when Leia tries to jump across a large gap on the rooftops and fails, resulting in her dangling from a wire. Obi-Wan begs her to hold on but she can’t, she then drops. Kenobi then uses the force to save her life. What a moment!
Standout Character
I’m giving it to Leia here. I absolutely loved her character in this episode. Everyone had a thing for the Sassy Owen memes but Leia is just tenfold sassier and it works so incredibly well in the show. I am excited to see her and Kenobi’s relationship develop so the trust builds. It kind of has to as in A New Hope, she does know who he is.
I had very high hopes for this show. Perhaps, it’s been my most anticipated series ever and it did not disappoint. Every moment of the show is perfectly done and I love the direction they have taken with it. Two masterpiece episodes in a row.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
I had very high hopes for this show. Perhaps, it's been my most anticipated series ever and it did not disappoint. Every moment of the show is perfectly done and I love the direction they have taken with it. Two masterpiece episodes in a row.