Season 1 Episode 3 – Obi-Wan searches for allies.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Seeing Anakin’s burnt and severed body be put into the suit was fantastic. It’s amazing to truly see Vader in live-action once again! What a start to the episode. He looks absolutely incredible!
2. You can tell how much Obi-Wan has been affected by the events with Anakin, you saw it in the first episode but in this episode, he’s seeing visions of Anakin on a field. A subtle but solid touch that we’ll be getting full Anakin as well.
3. It’s weird that when Obi-Wan and Leia are on the transport shipping heading to the port and the stormtroopers get on, you feel awfully uncomfortable for Obi-Wan. He and Leia play it off so well when they’re questioned. It does also show that the troopers aren’t as horrible as we’re often shown. They do have at least some level of compassion.
4. After Kenobi and Leia are set up by the supposedly “nice” man, we see Obi-Wan in action for the first time using a blaster. I would have liked to see the saber but this was brilliant the way he just takes them down so quickly. I am also intrigued after another ship shows up, an Imperial Officer shoots the other troopers from behind.
5. A mention for Quinlan Vos in the trading post safe house. We actually mentioned Quinlan possibly showing up as a cameo in the show in our top 5 wants. Now we know he’s alive, this is a solid possibility. Now all I need is Cal.
6. As Kenobi and co are about to run. Kenobi falls back and senses something. It turns out it’s not just the Inquisitors. Vader is here. He knows Kenobi is here too. The entire scene is beyond intense. He’s just snapping people’s necks to make Kenobi show himself as he can clearly sense his presence. What a scene!
7. Vader is beyond sadistic. As Obi-Wan struggles in his fight against Vader. Vader lights up a massive fire in the field, he then drags Kenobi into it, telling him he’ll suffer the same way. This is the prime Vader we’ve been waiting for. What an absolute beast!
What I Disliked
Nothing to report in this episode.
Favourite Moment
The first altercations between Obi-Wan and Vader have finally happened. Even Kenobi questions what he’s become, in turn, he responds; “I am, what you made me”. You can tell Obi-Wan doesn’t have it in him to fight and keeps trying to run away but Vader shows up each time until they fight. During their entire fight, it’s worth noting that Vader was only using one hand, basically barely breaking a sweat. Even telling him that he should’ve killed him when he had the chance. The entire scene is perfect. I loved every single second of this.
Standout Character
It has to be Vader. What a performance from Hayden Christensen. His fighting, his breathing, and his sadistic attitude are everything I want from Vader. Christensen wants a spin-off show, he deserves it. Give him it. Give him everything. The fact he was literally toying with Obi-Wan, only using one hand to fight him and also ensuring payback is done. Brilliant, absolutely bravo.
One of the best episodes in the Star Wars TV universe to date. A phenomenal performance from all involved, especially Vader and Kenobi. I loved every single second of this episode and I cannot wait for next week.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
One of the best episodes in the Star Wars TV universe to date. A phenomenal performance from all involved, especially Vader and Kenobi. I loved every single second of this episode and I cannot wait for next week.