Season 1 Episode 5 – Imperial forces attempt to draw Obi-Wan out.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Finally, finally! We get a flashback with Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker well before the purge. I can’t say how amazing it is to see him again. We do see them train together which is a heartfelt moment when you consider everything they’ve been through. What’s even better is it’s actually Vader who was thinking back to that moment.
2. There’s just something about the Empire going on the full offensive that’s just so entertaining. Kenobi and co have been locked down in the facility by Reva and Vader, leaving them trapped and vulnerable. Whist the doors are fully sealed, multiple troopers including Reva just rush to the main door, then begin firing on it with heavy weapons. This scene was brilliant.
3. Wouldn’t be a show that’s focused on Anakin if we don’t see him kill younglings again. This time it’s in the flashback with Reva. She was at the temple when Anakin was slicing kids. He spared her which resulted in her becoming Inquisitor. We had a feeling this would be the case. We also know that Reva may not be who she seems to be at first glance…
4. After Kenobi and Reva are finished talking it through, she slices the door and opens it. Now, the advance continues from the troopers. The fight pursues between Kenobi and his group, and the stormtroopers and Reva. This entire scene was done well. Kenobi is overwhelmed of course but he does fantastic to kill as many troopers as he can defending the group as they retreat.
5. Tala is hit on the retreat, Kenobi desperately tries to save her but he’s unable to do. She’s wounded but instead, with how many troops are advancing, she uses a thermal detonator to slow down the offensive. It’s quite a sad scene, Tala has been a great character in the show but her sacrifice made sense.
6. Leia manages to get the door open so the ship can depart. Unfortunately for that ship, Vader’s brute strength with the force holds it back bringing it down. Of course, the new group manages to outdo him and escape in another vessel but what a moment for Vader.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Reva tries to kill Vader! He stops her from doing that sneaky blow by only using the force. A magnificent battle pursues between them. Vader is barely even trying, he didn’t even pull his saber out in the battle until near the end. He dodged and weaved every one of her strikes. At one point he even takes her lightsaber and gives her it back. This is how powerful Vader truly is. I’m happy this is being showcased. Reva is then severely wounded as she’s left on the ground, and what’s even worse – The Grand Inquisitor shows up.
The story all panned out in the end after everyone kicked off the last episode saying “Vader wouldn’t have spared Reva like that”. This shows if you give the story a proper chance to flow the correct way, it’ll make sense in the end.
Standout Character
It has to be Darth Vader. He was phenomenal in this episode. From the flashbacks, to pulling the ship down, to beating an Inquisitor with basically just the force. It also showcases that Darth Vader isn’t as dumb as the show has somewhat made him out to be before this episode, Vader is ALWAYS one step ahead.
We have loved this show from the beginning, even when people weren’t so sure. This episode was the best of the season so far without a shadow of a doubt. Everything about it was an actual masterpiece. I am still beyond impressed with everything today.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
We have loved this show from the beginning, even when people weren't so sure. This episode was the best of the season so far without a shadow of a doubt. Everything about it was an actual masterpiece. I am still beyond impressed with everything today.