Season 1 Episode 3 “On their first official mission to assassinate suspected “butterflies,” Economos and Murn bond and Peacemaker and Harcourt reach an understanding. But the whole job goes sideways with the arrival of Judomaster.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked?
1. I’ll never get tired of the opening credits. It’s absolutely amazing. I don’t have enough words to describe it.
2. I love how Peacemaker hesitated while he was aiming at the child butterfly. I think this is the result of what happened between him and Rick Flag. We get to see Vigilante step up and take the shots, taking out each member of the family, including the children, until Judomaster arrives and begins beating Peacemaker and Vigilante up.
3. The butterfly is about to torture Vigilante in front of Peacemaker by attaching some car hooks to Vigilante’s genitals, however, he unmasks Vigilante and electrocutes Vigilante because Peacemaker will not answer his questions. We get to see Vigilante get tortured by having his pinky toe cut off, this scene was absolutely disgusting.
What I Disliked?
Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was when Peacemaker was set up to take out a senator. He couldn’t get a shot so they had to wait to take the shot. Peacemaker and Harcourt speak about how they got into this line of work and they pretty much had the same entry door, their fathers. Amanda Waller found Harcourt in ARGUS.
Standout Character
As much as I loved Peacemaker, I think I have to give this to Vigilante in episode 3. He just tried to protect and help out Peacemaker by taking the shots that he couldn’t.
The Verdict
Overall an action-packed episode with the story to back it up. This was hands down one of the better episodes of the three that have been released thus far. The characters, story, action, and acting were all fantastic. The brutal bloodiness of the episode truly was insane.
Rating: 9.6/10
Photo: Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 3.
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9
Overall an action-packed episode with the story to back it up. This was hands down one of the better episodes of the three that have been released thus far. The characters, story, action, and acting were all fantastic. The brutal bloodiness of the episode truly was insane.