Season 1 Episode 8 – “Although Peacemaker and Adebayo are at odds, the team must kill the cow before the aliens can finish its teleportation.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I will never get tired of hearing Peacemaker talking absolute trash about beloved DC heroes. It is just something you’d think you wouldn’t ever hear from another person inside the DC universe. James Gunn is a genius for adding these into the script and is only made better with John Cena saying it with a serious face.
2. John gets the task of taking a Peacemaker helmet to the huge butterfly creature below the barn. When he sees the creature, he freaks out and leaves but gets caught, this is when we get to see some character development from him. This development was needed which in turn makes Peacemaker begin to think about all the times he made fun of him.
3. The triple team of Peacemaker, Vigilante, and Harcourt begin taking down the butterflies to get to the cow, this scene has some incredibly brutal deaths. While Peacemaker goes underground, Vigilante and Harcourt try to hold the last of the butterflies off but Vigilante gets shot in the back, while Harcourt gets shot twice which doesn’t look good for both. A butterfly tries to fly into Harcourt’s mouth but is quickly killed by Adebayo. Heartbreaking scene but absolutely needed.
4. After the battle is won and the team is doing the slow-motion walk away, we get to see four actual members of the JUSTICE LEAGUE! We get to see Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and The Flash arrive. James Gunn brought the Justice League to TV, although only Aquaman and Flash spoke, this was still absolutely fantastic.
5. The episode ends with Adebayo exposing Task Force X as well as her mother, Amanda Waller. Vigilante jumps out of his hospital window, Peacemaker spends days in the hospital waiting for Harcourt to wake up. We get to see Harcourt learning to walk again.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.

Favourite Moment
My favorite moment would have to be the moment Sophie tries to explain the truth to Peacemaker about them coming to Earth to survive but quickly saw that the human race was going in the same direction so they made a vow to save Earth, this is quickly changing Peacemaker as we see him praying as a child but then he activates the helmet Adebayo is wearing and it sends her into the cow.
Standout Character
Peacemaker deserves it. Truly came into his own person, doing stuff for himself and not just for peace.
Honestly, this was such a great finale. You’d expect character development to happen throughout the season and have everything sorted for the finale to have said characters developed, but no. James Gunn packed this episode full of character development for multiple characters while also delivering a well-crafted story finale.
Rating: 9.8/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9
Honestly, this was such a great finale. You'd expect character development to happen throughout the season and have everything sorted for the finale to have said characters developed, but no. James Gunn packed this episode full of character development for multiple characters while also delivering a well-crafted story finale.