Season 1 Episode 7 – “Harcourt, Murn, and Adebayo find themselves surrounded by an alien force, while Peacemaker squares off against his father with help from Vigilante and Economos.“
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. We begin with a flashback to his childhood where Peacemaker is just rocking out with his brother but then quickly turns sour when in fact his father is making Peacemaker and his brother fight for money. This is how his brother died because Peacemaker killed him so his father could win money from the fight. This is truly messed up and is part of the reason why you have to feel sorry for Peacemaker.
2. Vigilante tries to protect Peacemaker from his father, The White Dragon but shooting at him and exploding a grenade underneath him which blows him up but only scraping him and wounding Vigilante while Peacemaker and John try to get away. I love that Vigilante doesn’t think twice about protecting Peacemaker.
3. The police (butterflies) raid the motel where the team is staying. Murn tries to hold them off while telling Harcourt to “finish the mission”. The butterfly inside of Murn tries to escape but is ultimately crushed by Sophie. I’m actually a bit sad at this death, not sure why.
4. I do like how the team had complete faith in Harcourt to lead them in their attack against the butterfly barn. I feel as this is going to be a great leader if my theory of Harcourt being one of the butterflies doesn’t come true.

What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
My favorite moment was definitely the showdown between Peacemaker and the White Dragon. Vigilante manages to break the White Dragon suit but is about to get shot when John sprays down the White Dragon followers. Peacemaker beats down his father and still berates him even though there is a gun to his head, Peacemaker pulls the trigger.
Standout Character
Peacemaker deserves the standout this week. He fully let a lifetime of pain out towards his father who he ultimately killed.
A great episode for more reasons than one. Firstly the overall story and action made this episode great. I loved that this episode was full of heart, emotional damage, and closing the chapter between Peacemaker and his father.
Rating 9.6/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9
A great episode for more reasons than one. Firstly the overall story and action made this episode great. I loved that this episode was full of heart, emotional damage, and closing the chapter between Peacemaker and his father.