Season 3 Episode 10 – “The tenth episode of the third season.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
01. The person who gave half of London a drug thinks he can control them. Daveboy and his girlfriend try to stop him but he goes to control the people on drugs and they just instantly beat him down causing Daveboy and his girl to run. I found this scene absolutely hilarious.
2. Lucious Fox actually takes it to the General of the Army. It was honestly incredible to see just how cocky he was with it and just how much he had enough. It was honestly really different from what we’ve normally seen but had an element of Morgan Freeman’s version.
3. Fair play to Alfred. Standing up in front of people and enhanced people to truly confess his love to Sandra, even going as far as to propose to her, and in turn, Sandra accepts his proposal, and Alfred and Sandra are set to wed.
4. While Alfred and Sandra are getting married outside of London, the General of the Army drops a huge bomb on Prime Minister Aziz because he didn’t realize that he was on drugs. Is Aziz truly gone?!
What I Disliked
1. I get Thomas has a point about Martha, she is a mother, and she is a wife but let’s not forget about Thomas literally abandoning her and the kid to go to Gotham and kill his own father. Thomas is definitely not one to take the high ground and act all innocent.
2. I like bits of slow-mo, especially comedic bits, but back-to-back scenes with slow-mo running like I’m watching Baywatch is slightly overdoing it.
Favorite Moment
This might be a weird favorite moment but it would simply be the ruthlessness of Alfred and Daveboy. I get people are trying to kill them since they are on drugs, but they can be taken off it as shown with Thomas and Daveboy himself, however, Daveboy and Alfred have different answers to simply taking them off the drug… to put a bullet in their heads killing whoever tries something.
Standout Character
The standout character I would give to Alfred, even though they all equally stood out it took absolute guts to stand up and ask someone to marry them and to profess your love for her.
Overall a very entertaining, brutal, bloody, and dare I say, explosive episode to say the least. The story was great and the action was on par. It’s hard to truly take a negative from this episode.
Rating: 9.7/10

The Review
Story - 9.5
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Overall a very entertaining, brutal, bloody, and dare I say, explosive episode to say the least. The story was great and the action was on par. It's hard to truly take a negative from this episode.