Season 1 Episode 4 “Alfred and Martha Kane take a train ride into the countryside on an assignment, while tragedy strikes in London.”
What Was Good?
1. It took a little while before we got anything exciting in the opening scenes. The biggest one is the eventual meet between Martha, and Thomas, showing them working together on screen. It’s a nice touch going forward with the series, and even showing how the pair trust Alfred.
2. At one point during the episode I kind of just sat back and took in the series as a whole. It was weird. Personally being from the United Kingdom, it’s incredibly interesting to see how the capital of England was in the 60’s.
3. Alfred gives himself up to the police, and is taken into custody to speak to the “Governor” to deliver a message. As always, the humour brought in from Alfred is so well done.
4. When Alfred comes face to face with the Ravensworth Society leader, you knew straight away it was all Alfred’s plan. Even though you expect it, that didn’t take away the moment. Martha, and Alfred’s chemistry as they work together is written with clever intentions. You can see from that alone how close the family will soon to be.

What Was Bad?
1. The scene between Bet, and Peggy made absolutely zero sense whatsoever. The fight made no sense. Ultimately, I can understand Bet’s frustrations but this scene was pointless, and a terrible fight. She leaves later on and heads back to London, so I guess that’s something.
2. I guess sometimes Alfred has to be beat down every now again, to realise he’s not invincible. He was beaten by two guys after the Tea House incident. It was poor, especially after he’s fought more than two guys on several occasions. He literally didn’t even think of the guy behind him, and just got beat down with ease.
3. Alfred and Martha kiss. That was far too uncomfortable. Not because of Esme, but because you just know how that family plays out.
Holy Shit Moment
1. A slow start, but that counter in the Darkness Tea House by Alfred was incredible.
2. Esme. I will not say anything more. What a way to end the show.
The Verdict
A painfully slow start that built up as the episode progressed. The chemistry between Martha, and Alfred has proven to be a strong pointer this season besides the weird kiss that felt awkward. The episode ended on on a high, and it had some perfect action moments. Even if they were less than desirable. The cliffhanger was brutal.
Rating 8.7/10
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