Season 3 Episode 5 – “Continuation of the third season.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. We get to see Thomas deal with some sort of PTSD. He’s having nightmares and is walking around with a gun. Martha sees him and tells her it wasn’t him who stabbed her. Martha’s reply was tense when she said “but it was you who chose your father over me”. I’m interested to see just how badly this whole situation affects the two.
2. This important woman, Zahra Khin that Alfred is protecting is essentially just Alfred as a woman. She’s overly smart, she’s not afraid of anything, and knows when something is not going her way. I think Alfred has met his match.
3. Alfred as a character is very wise. How he speaks, what he says, what quotes he says, the mannerisms he has just completely makes him wise. It is what makes him a great DC Comics character that many people often overlook.
What I Disliked
1. The episode has gotten off to a very slow beginning. It’s not a significant issue but after how good the last episode was and how crazy it ended, I thought we would have at least jumped straight into that storyline.
2. There is a couple of storylines that the show is putting out there that I’m just not interested in at all at the minute. Firstly, Alfred’s mother’s dating life, I don’t need to know this. Bet, she’s pretty much hunting down people from her past. While this could be good, it just isn’t at the moment.
3. Daveboy being Daveboy, he obviously likes this woman that he has been “seeing”, he wants to do anything to be with her. This is why he takes the mind control drug at the art gallery. I feel like this slightly goes against his character.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply be the ambush scene. Alfred and Daveboy are following Zahra Khin who Alfred has been hired to protect while she’s on English soil. We see this ambush is purely planned with everything from machine guns to a man who stops traffic. Alfred manages to get Zahra Khin to safety.
Standout Character
I would give this to Alfred but I think I’ll give this to Zahra Khin. She was fantastic. From the moment she appeared on screen she was a badass.
An average episode which is a shame after how great of an episode we had in episode 4. This episode felt flat, slow-paced, and dull. I would have loved to see more of the crossover between Pennyworth and V for Vendetta.
Rating: 8.3/10

The Review
Story - 7.5
Action - 6.5
Characters - 9.5
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
An average episode which is a shame after how great of an episode we had in episode 4. This episode felt flat, slow-paced, and dull. I would have loved to see more of the crossover between Pennyworth and V for Vendetta.