Season 2 Episode 8 “Salt sits down with the League to discuss peace and Alfred confronts Gully to do the same; Martha finally comes clean to Thomas about her dilemma.”
What I Liked?
1. Alfie and Aziz go to the middle of nowhere to meet with the new leaders of the Raven’s Union to consider some peace-talks so the war would end. They come to an arrangement to meet and speak after the funeral of Lord Harwood and request he be buried with his family in their crypt.
2. While Alfie is on his secret mission with Aziz, Daveboy is on guard at Alfie’s mother’s house, later on when Alfie arrives back, Daveboy has found himself some whiskey. He’s drunk and tells Alfie that he messed everything up, from sleeping with a married man’s wife, giving her the money, and not going to America. This was a great scene, it was needed for Daveboy.
3. Thomas made a great point in this episode after Martha told him she was pregnant. The point was that Martha should have left the warzone so she could protect her future child. This was a great scene but I’m finally glad she’s told him about the baby.
4. Gully, he’s such a smart man, he knew that Alfie slept with his wife, so he waited, and waited for Alfie to man up and go see him and when he did, Alfie walked straight into a trap set by Gully. This was great, especially since Alfie is meant to be a great tactician.
What I Disliked?
1. The storyline with Bett, she’s super annoying, not really doing anything apart from being in a relationship with the girl she kidnapped. I’m not interested in her storyline whatsoever.
2. The reveal at the end of the episode. For me, it was great but it took away the torment that Alfie was feeling with having to kill his own father. It feels like it was a wasted storyline and a pivotal thing that shaped Alfie into the man he becomes.

Favorite Moment
The favorite moment of this week’s episode was with Alfie and Gully. The fact that to get back at Alfie, Gully took him to some woods, stabbed him in the stomach, gave him a 5-minute head start, and sent him on his way so he could track and kill Alfie. This was a battle of minds as Gully played mental games with Alfie and Alfie did the same but ending up as the victor.
Standout Character
Alfie, he showcased how resilient he is in any situation, injured or uninjured, his mind is his greatest weapon.
The Verdict
An average episode at best. The best and most interesting part was the Gully and Alfie scenes, everything else was boring or uninteresting. The reveal at the end of the episode was great but took a lot away from the Alfie dealing with its storyline.
Rating: 7.3/10
Photo: Pennyworth S2 E8
Story - 7
Action - 7.5
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 7.5
An average episode at best. The best and most interesting part was the Gully and Alfie scenes, everything else was boring or uninteresting. The reveal at the end of the episode was great but took a lot away from the Alfie dealing with its storyline.