Season 3 Episode 1 – “The Season 3 premiere”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Pennyworth begins the episode by recapping what happened at the end of last season. He mentions that they win the British Civil War, by using an “enhanced” person. Alfred saw a business opportunity, and now five years on, there are more enhanced people.
2. Say what you will about this series, it normally flies under people’s radar. Jack Bannon as a young Alfie Pennyworth is the perfect casting. He absolutely nails the role in every single scene he’s in. I haven’t been this invested in Pennyworth since the version we got on Gotham.
3. I do like how we’re getting some exploration into Bruce Wayne’s grandfather. Finding out how he and Thomas were “estranged” and how long it’s actually been since they last spoke properly. I didn’t know this beforehand so it’s great to find out.
4. The story for the overall season was revealed. The girl that Alfie rescued was a planet by the same people that seemingly have Thomas Wayne’s father under control. Who are also wanting Martha to work for them as she’s currently MI5. The story is coming full circle and everything is being connected as we speak. This is how shows should be, instantly jump into the story.
What I Disliked
1. The mechanical arm on one of the enhanced people was slightly off. You could tell it was CGI in one scene and then you could quite clearly see the hole in which an arm goes into it. Not a big deal but I hope more enhanced people are not this “cheap” throughout the season.
2. I’m not a fan of the “Bet” character. I feel like while the acting is great from the actor, the overall presence of the character can be overly done. It has been like this for the previous seasons too.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would have to be Alfie and Daveboy trying to get Jessica out of the cult. The cult leader brings in a tall man with a hammer to stop them. Alfie tells Daveboy to handle it. With some hesitation because of his new suit, Daveboy reluctantly tries to move the tell dude, he won’t so Daveboy resorts to shooting him in the foot. Daveboy is a fantastic character.
Standout Character
I’ll give this to Alfie. I feel like we’ve seen huge character development with his character and he’s fully coming into his own man. We’ve seen this over the course of the show’s history but it feels more prominent now.
A fantastic start to the third season of Pennyworth. The story did not hold back and we got brought right into the story and no messing about with it. Right from the get-go we were brought in, and shown what was happening and how the overall season will feel.
Rating: 8.9/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 8
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 7.5
A fantastic start to the third season of Pennyworth. The story did not hold back and we got brought right into the story and no messing about with it. Right from the get-go we were brought in, and shown what was happening and how the overall season will feel.