Let’s get right into the movie, it starts off in a laboratory and we see some scientists running tests on Mewtwo. Straight away everything looks so incredible from the humans to the pokemon, Mewtwo looks absolutely insane.
The story of the movie was very interesting to say the least, I haven’t watched or played Pokemon is many years and within the first 10 minutes of this movie I was fully invested in the world of Pokemon so much so that the movie has made me want to go out and buy a Nintendo Switch to play Pokemon on.
We get introduced to a few characters the first being the true villain of the movie, Howard so designed and created Ryme City for Humans and Pokemon to live together in peace and not have to battle. We get introduced to Tim who works in insurance and has a odd relationship/hatred to Pokemon who early on learns that his father who he also has a strained relationship has passed away, this leads Tim to travel to Ryme City and go to his fathers apartment where he runs into and gets questioned by Lucy Stevens a apprentice reporter who knows Tim’s father was investigating something shady involving purple gas.
Now for the mean character, Pikachu voiced by the incredible Ryan Reynolds. Right from the start of seeing him I was laughing, It felt like a mixture between Deadpool and Pokemon which created something brilliant.
Right from the start there was action, funny moments and straight up craziness. The pace of the film was perfect, It didn’t go over quick or too slow, The movie gave you a chance to get invested into the story, characters and Pokemon alike.
I have to give the people who create the CGI for the Pokemon credit because they absolutely nailed the design and life likeness for each and everyone Pokemon from Cubone to Ditto to Mewtwo. My favorite design was Charizard, you could actually see the detail in his skin with the scales and markings on his body. Best CGI for any type of movie like this.
The even nailed how the Pokemon would evolve throughout the film we would see a few Pokemon evolve and it was perfect. The powers of the Pokemon would fantastic as well.
I had a range of different emotions throughout watching the movie, I was happy, laughing, smiling and even had tears at one point.
Now does the ending satisfy me?
Yes, the ending was great. After Pikachu had a intense battle between Howard in Mewtwo’s body, Mewtwo showed us what truly happened at the beginning of the movie. He was actually the good guy and saved Tim’s father and Pikachu, He merged Pikachu and Tim’s father so Tim’s father would survive. We eventually get to see a fully revived Tim’s father and he’s played by no other than Ryan Reynolds himself. Anyways Tim and his father reconnect and Tim decides to stay with him in Ryme City.
I came away with a question…
How does this set up Detective Pikachu 2 because that got announced in early 2019?
The Verdict
Incredible movie, definitely one of my favorite movies of the year. Pokemon were designed incredibly well. Action and story was great.