Jim Lee has officially confirmed the remaining original shows that air on the DC Universe is set to move to HBO Max. A move we kind of expected, especially after the recent news of Stargirl moving to CW, and Doom Patrol to HBO Max.
TITANS and the animated Harley Quinn series are the latest and final moves from the lacklustre streaming service by DC.
We knew this news was coming, and we’re not entirely sure what’s left in store for the streaming service going forward.
DC Universe has really struggled since airing and never made it out of the United States. Thus further disappointing fans across the world. So this move from DC doesn’t exactly surprise me.
It’s a shame, considering the potential the platform actually had. For me, I feel like it’s time to just let it go and maybe try again in a couple of years or so, and do it differently with an actual plan.
DC’s comic range is incredibly popular, so mixing these with their shows and movies was a genius plan at the start, however, the execution of said plan was dreadful.
I trust HBO Max to do these shows wonders in the future. Adding the Green Lantern series set to launch next year, they’re going to have a powerful set of shows. I hope they have plans to extend their streaming service further than just the US.
I’m eagerly awaiting season 3 of TITANS more than anything, and although the move disappoints me based on the DC Universe letting it go, but I’m excited to see what HBO do with it.
What’s your thoughts on the move? Let me know down in the comments below.