Insider Gaming has released an article indicating that Respawn Entertainment is developing a first-person Mandalorian game.
As of now, details are sparse which is to be expected if this rumor turns out to be true. Insider Gaming has mentioned that the game will not be open-world but instead feature linear levels.
This sounds very similar to the Jedi games including Fallen Order and Survivor, both hugely successful and made by Respawn Entertainment. If Respawn is at the forefront of another Star Wars game then I’m all for it. Just like Insomniac with Spider-Man, Respawn has my full trust in making any future Star Wars project.
I wrote an article back in 2020 about how I’d love a Mandalorian game, you can read it by clicking here. That article was written in December 2020 so over 3 years later, I may just get my wish.
According to sources, the game will see the player take control of a Mandalorian bounty hunter (unclear who) set during the time when the Galactic Empire is dominating across the galaxy. It’s your job, as a bounty hunter to capture bounties dead or alive for cash rewards.
Insider Gaming
That quote alone is a simple case of; “take my damn cash”.
We know a third Jedi game is likely to be in the works and this franchise will likely end with a trilogy, considering how successful it’s been. I fully believe a Mandalorian game could work wonders, after all, there are many still calling for a full-blown Mandalorian series that isn’t fully centered on Din Djarin.

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