Scoring Policy

At Only Comic Universe, we offer different types of scoring based on what we are reviewing. Below you will find all the information you need. Depending on what we’re reviewing, we use the below scoring which averages out an overall rating, which then gives us the code to use such as Average, Great, Amazing, etc. Each rating is scored from 0 to 10.

Overall Scoring

0 – 0.9 – Trash
1 – 1.9 – Dreadful
2 – 2.9 – Awful
3 – 3.9 – Bad
4 – 4.9 – Mediocre
5 – 5.9 – Average
6 – 6.9 – Okay
7 – 7.9 – Good
8 – 8.9 – Great
9 – 9.9 – Amazing

Episode Reviews

1. Story
2. Action
3. Characters
4. Entertainment
5. Quality

Movie Reviews

1. Story
2. Structure
3. Quality
4. Action
5. Characters
6. Entertainment
7. Antagonist
8. Hype

Season Reviews

1. Story
2. Action
3. Characters
4. Entertainment
5. Episodes
6. Antagonist
7. Quality

Game Reviews

1. Story
2. Graphics
3. Sound
4. Gameplay
5. Customization
6. Characters
7. Content
8. Entertainment

Product Reviews (Subject to change based on product)

1. Quality
2. Art
3. Profit
4. Worth
5. Rarity
6. Feel

Comic Reviews

1. Story
2. Graphics
3. Entertainment
4. Time
5. Characters

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