I’ve watched Transformers Rise of the Beasts three times now, I absolutely love the movie from the story to the CGI to the characters to the villain. Scourge is the big bad of the movie, he debuts in this movie in such a fantastic way.
There will be spoilers within this movie so please be careful when reading.

Don’t get me wrong, I see why people like Megatron, I get that he has a purpose in the Bayverse movies, and I liked him as well but within those movies, he never stood out to me as a great villain or even someone who had a decent enough story to make him a villain.
The only time I truly liked Megatron as a villain was in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. That scene when he tortured Sam and the Autobots rushed in to make the save and Prime left with Sam until he was jumped by the Decepticons and eventually killed by Megatron was the only true time I loved him as a villain.
With Scourge, I got that feeling immediately. Even the trailers for the Rise of the Beasts movie made him out to be some insanely brutal villain, especially when he went up against Bee.
We begin the movie by seeing the Maximals led by Apelinq, who tells his team to leave and he’ll stay to slow down Scourge and the Terrorcons. We believe we will get a great fight scene between the two but Scourge quickly makes light work of Apelinq.
This alone showcases that Scourge is not to be messed with. He takes trophies of his kills too. When in vehicle mode, his front grill is filled with emblems from people he has killed. Scourge also takes his villainy to the next level when he straight-up deactivates Bee seemingly killing him and taking his Autobot logo.
I don’t think there is a better scene for a villain within the Transformers movies since Sentinal Prime killed Ironhide in Transformers Dark of the Moon.
In his debut movie, killing the leader of the Maximals and then killing Bee, a fan-favorite character. I really wish Scourge survived but he did set up Unicron to be the big bad until Megatron arrives that is.