The Batman has been talked about ever since it was announced and even picked up more talk once there was a casting which not everyone agreed with.
In recent interviews, it has been confirmed that this movie is officially not connected to Ben Affleck’s Batman and isn’t any type of “prequel” to the DCEU.
But what if DC or Warner Bro’s wanted to connect it to the DCEU Batman if Matt Reeves version of Batman does well?
For one, they could do it through Flashpoint. With the Flash solo movie officially focused on Flashpoint we could easily see different versions of the characters we see in the DCEU today.
Secondly, they could introduce the multiverse and show us different earth’s, like how Ezra Miller’s Flash appeared in the DCTV Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover.
Robert Pattinson’s Batman could easily become Earth-2’s Batman and eventually give us characters like Jay Garrick, Val Zod, and Green Lantern.
Pattinson’s Batman could be introduced through Flash’s movie and could even end up on Earth-1 for a short period of time before the actual Crisis on Infinite Earth’s team-up movie which could be DC’s version of Marvel’s Endgame.