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Should Emmett J. Scanlan Return as Lobo in the Arrowverse

A few years ago, the SYFY channel had a series named “Krypton”, and for me, this series was and still is very underrated for a superhero show. When I was watching it, I fully enjoyed it, but I will admit, the pace of some episodes could be a bit slow at times but I felt that was fine because of the take they did on a “superhero show”.

Krypton took risks. They changed backstory, changed characters, and brought in characters that maybe wouldn’t get time on screen in any other show, like Adam Strange, other Kryptonians, and in the second season took a major risk and brought in Lobo played by Emmett J. Scanlan.

Now, immediately when he debuted on the show, I loved the character of Lobo. It was this wise-cracking bounty hunter who immediately shined in the episode. Emmett J. Scanlan brought this character to life, made it his own version, and truly captured the attitude of Lobo.

At one point, there were talks about Lobo receiving his own spin-off series happening, which when I first heard this, I wanted it. I truly think Emmett J. Scanlan could hold his own as Lobo in a series, it didn’t have to be a huge series but could have been around 8-12 episodes.

The cancelation of Krypton caused the Lobo series not to move forward which was very disappointing, but looking back, could or should we see the return of Emmett J. Scanlan as Lobo?

It doesn’t have to be the Krypton version of the character, they could fully create a different universe Lobo and have him be a menace to Superman in the “Superman & Lois” series as I personally think Emmett J. Scanlan and Tyler Hoechlin would match each other’s charisma on set.


Now, people might not have liked Krypton but I feel as though Emmett J. Scanlan’s portrayal of Lobo is a very underrated portrayal of a DC Comics character. Like I mentioned above, he absolutely captured the essence of Lobo and truly gave him a voice.

I personally would love to see Emmett J. Scanlan return on Superman & Lois as Lobo the bounty hunter.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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