I’m clutching at straws here, but bare with me. With Fallen Order 2 confirmed, speculations and wish lists arise as to what people would love to see.
For me, the first game was almost perfect, and I feel like a sequel would be better. After the sales of the first, it’s really no surprise we’re getting a sequel.
Moving onto Mace Windu. I recently watched the third movie, Revenge of the Sith and it got me seriously thinking about him.
After Palpatine slings him out the window, god knows how high up, we never hear from him again. Not just hear about him, we barely even get a mention of him considering he’s supposed to be one of the most powerful Jedi on the Council which for me, is odd.
We know Jedi can survive great heights, losing a limb and taking the lightning blasts like a champion. So, my question is, is it really safe to assume he’s actually dead?
We know from past experiences about assuming a character in the Star Wars lore is dead. Darth Maul and Boba Fett we’re assumed dead for many years, and despite what they went through, they survived.
So again, can we assume this? There are many theories out there, including Reddit users breaking it down but it does make a lot of sense. He could have exiled the same way Yoda did, and it’s no surprise even the greatest Jedi were scared of the Empire at the time. It’s one of the reasons Yoda went into hiding.
Fallen Order follows the events of Order 66 and a few years past those events with Cal Kestis attempting to restore the Jedi Order. One of my disappointments with the first game was the lack of cameos. We only got Vader who was a massive draw.
We know ultimately Cal is going to fail in his mission, or at least we can safely assume so. But, what about Windu? There are theories out there that he turns dark. We know from books that those who wield a purple lightsaber also share an affinity with the dark side.
In realistic terms, it’s possible Mace could play a part. Whether he’s exiled, turned sides, or whatever. It would still be interesting. It would also play a good part in tying together the Prequels, something the movies kind of fail to do. Especially the new movies.
There are many names they could include in the game. Obi Wan, Vader (again), Palpatine, the ever-growing popular Ashoka, and many more, but imagine if Windu did show up? It would shake the canon universe so big, and it would truly cement the Fallen Order series’ place in the canon world.
I think that’s what it needs as well. The books have done this with Boba and Maul, and more and more people realise the extent of the canon universe.
We watched the Phantom Menace last week (we’re doing a run-through) when I explained to my wife that Maul survived and he’s still alive after he falls down the reactor thing in two pieces. She couldn’t believe it. I had to show her scenes from Rebels to show her. Anything is possible in Star Wars.
I know the books, and everyone else say Mace is dead. He most likely is. Well, almost certainly is and I get it. It’s just tough thinking about how he could have survived that fall, and there are many theories on the internet about it.
My answer to the article is absolutely, I believe so. Or at least a proper mention about it so we know what actually happened. Palpatine lies to the galaxy about Mace, and Luke mentioned him in his canon book, but that’s it. No force ghost, whisper, just anything after he was thrown out the window.
As difficult as it is to imagine, it would be damn fantastic is Mace did just show up in Fallen Order 2, no matter which way he would.
What’s your thoughts on this? Would you like to see him show up in the next game? Let me know down in the comments below what your thoughts are.