Season 1, 2, and 3 were revolutionary when it came down to having a Kryptonian brace our screens.
Granted, it took me a few attempts to get into Supergirl at the beginning, but it was amazing.
The question comes across though, when was the last time I truly enjoyed Supergirl?
Last season with Lex Luthor portrayed by Jon Cryer was the highlight of last season, and truly matched the potential the series has. However, besides that, it’s fell flat.
Season 3 was the last season I got excited for with each episode. Certain characters, and development made me connect with the series. Once Mon El and Winn left, it was all downhill from that point.
The Martian Manhunter has been the absolute biggest disappointment of the entire CW shows. His characters stresses me. The first couple of seasons he was this powerhouse, a leader, a true hero, now he just whinges, never fights, and honestly, should just be killed off. I know it can’t happen right now, as his brother is the main villain of the current season, but his brother should end him.
Last season. Let’s move on to that. Season 4. What a complete bore. I mean it, this season was the worst season of the entire Arrowverse, even behind Legends of Tomorrow’s previous embarrassment of a season. Star Wars, the prequels, were far too political, people hated that. I hold season 4 up to that, there was nothing to shout about except Lex.

I review Supergirl, and I ALWAYS try my best to find any positive in the episodes. This season, I find myself 30 minutes in and cannot write anything I liked about it. However, my dislike section is overwhelming.
The CGI deserves a notable mention. Whoever is doing the visual effects needs either retrained, or fired. Regardless of budget, there’s certain effects that take the creativity, and fun away from it because it just looks so fake. It hasn’t just been the odd one here and there, there’s been multiple instances this season already.
I answer the question to the title in the article. Should this be the final season?
We’ve just had word a Superman, and Lois season is, or is about to hit development. This should replace Supergirl. Don’t get me wrong, Melissa Benoist has done a fantastic job as Supergirl, and I couldn’t see anybody else playing her. The writing is abysmal. The effects are worse, and the storytelling needs adjusted.
What do you think? Remember, this is just my own personal take on the series. I know others may have differing opinions on the matter.