After The Flash Armageddon finale aired which brought back Kat McNamara as Green Arrow, it was disappointing. The entire premise of the conclusion just felt like a ploy to drive interest back up in the canceled sequel show to The CW’s Arrow.
It has certainly created conversation among fans as to whether or not this show could actually work and whether or not it could live up to its predecessor which still has a massive loyal fan base.
The original idea of the show was to star Kat as Mia Queen (The Green Arrow), Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance (Black Siren), and Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake (Black Canary).
The show had a backdoor pilot episode in the closing moments of Arrow which to be fair, was actually pretty good. Time dragged on, people forgot about the show, and then we just kind of heard it was canceled with no backlash surrounding the cancelation on social media.
The show just died.
Whilst I would never knock the idea of this show being revived, made, and released, I do have to think if it’s too late now. People have moved on from the idea of the show.
But… could it work? I think it could.
The CW has suffered in recent years with less than desirable shows. Black Lightning and Supergirl were both canceled and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is garbage in my opinion.
Due to the fact that although Arrow didn’t have an amazing run in the later seasons it’s still a show that’s adored by many. Even to the point fans are STILL calling for it to be brought back.
By giving us this show, the one thing that would work wonders is the fact we know the characters very well. We know where they came from, what their personalities are like, and what the premise of the show is immediate without building that engagement from season 1. You get to jump in from the first episode and kind of know what’s going on.
A lot of the cast would still have a place in the show as well. I mean, John Diggle has shown up across various Arrowverse shows this year. His character was born on Arrow, so it would be amazing for him to be a regular once again but more of a commanding role.
Rene Ramirez, older William, even Felicity Smoak could all bring something to the show. However, there is one lingering problem that would need to go if this show was to ever be greenlit again.
The drama.
I’ve never known a show that started off with so much darkness to turn into a soap opera. It was almost physically painful to watch at times.
Arrow is supposed to be known for this dark, gritty era of superheroes. I do think Kat brings that level of darkness to the show. She proved this in the latest episode of The Flash. She has that anger inside and the actress does very well in making you know that as a fan.
I do understand that this show won’t be Arrow. It needs to prove it can go beyond that shadow, I think with a change in direction, change of showrunners and writers, it could definitely find its place in the Arrowverse.
I do also think a lot of the actors would be up for returning. Kat posted a lot on Instagram about her return as Mia in Armageddon. She genuinely seemed excited about the idea of coming back which is a massive boost in the chance of the show happening.
We do know that William is still missing from the final episode of Arrow, and in Armageddon, we know Mia is on her way to see her mother, Felicity for an idea on how to find him after 2 years of searching.
We never actually learn about if she finds him or not, this is what leads me to believe they’re trying to drive interest in the idea of it. For me personally, I’d be okay if they never bothered as I too am one that has moved on from the idea. However, if it was announced, I would be happy as I believe the universe Arrow created was monumentally huge and went past just that of Stephen Amell.
So in a nutshell, I do think it should be revived. At least for a season to test it out, but the general idea is; cut the drama, get a new direction, bring the cast back, and you may just have a God-tier show on your hands.
Who knows. It’s probably unlikely The CW will revive it now after being so long, but there is always the idea.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments if this show should be revived or not.