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Skeleton Crew “You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates” Review

Season 1 Episode 5 – A seemingly pleasant world will test our heroes like no other.

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. I like the idea that the parents aren’t waiting around for the “supervisor”. I believe it adds an eery aspect to this entire story and it feels more sinister than it initially looks. I’d be doing the same thing as Wim’s father if that was my son too, whatever it takes.

2. Despite Jod’s pep talk to Wim being awful at the beginning, I did like the “Jedi” talk in terms of attachment and using the force as well. I do wish the series would hurry up and get to the point in explaining who Jod really is though.

3. After Pokkit calls in the bounty on Jod and the crew, the first ship enters the planet. The ship immediately destroys the accompanying ships that escort them into the landing zone. It was a very small “like” to put on this list but it shows how much of a threat they truly are.

What I Disliked

1. Jod turns on the crew once he finds out what was on At Attin. I mean, it’s suspected but I thought for once we’d actually get a character willing to help. There were so many other twists and turns they could’ve done. It felt predictable from the start, the more surprising route would’ve been for him to genuinely want to help the kids.


    2. Wim failing as he ignited the lightsaber was pathetic. I understand they’re kids but how can you not know which way is the right way up? The best thing about this particular scene is that Jod takes the saber after the kids escape.

    Favorite Moment

    The crew finally make solid efforts as they find the hidden lair which is said to contain the At Attin location. I do like how quick Jod was with figuring out the puzzle with the acid pool being a pirate himself. What I love most about this particular scene is the weapon they find in there. A lightsaber. Now I’m intrigued.

    Standout Character

    Jod definitely “stood out” but not in the way I liked so technically Jod takes it this week but just not in the usual positive way that we like to give this section to I’m afraid.


    A very slow start with a predictable outcome. I’d even go as far as saying that despite how much I’ve enjoyed this show, episode 5 was the weakest compared to the last few. It had some great moments but unfortunately fell short this week. Of course, the things I disagree with her may be based on my expectations of the show but I couldn’t get on board with that turn at the end.

    Rating 5.6/10

    Credit: Skeleton Crew // Disney+

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    The Review

    Story - 6
    Action - 4
    Characters - 3
    Entertainment - 6
    Quality - 9



    A very slow start with a predictable outcome. I'd even go as far as saying that despite how much I've enjoyed this show, episode 5 was the weakest compared to the last few. It had some great moments but unfortunately fell short this week. Of course, the things I disagree with her may be based on my expectations of the show but I couldn't get on board with that turn at the end.


    Daniel Lewandowski

    Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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