Season 1 Episode 6 – Relationships fray under the pressures of a difficult journey.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The episode kicks off immediately after the last one ended and in a positive way too. Jod is surrounded by the other pirates as he makes his way back to the surface and an air battle breaks out. X-Wings take on other ships and it’s epic. I’ll never knock seeing X-Wings in the Star Wars universe, makes me feel right at home.
2. Jod does eventually get captured, although we don’t even see it happen properly. His court case is interesting. He gets the right to appeal after he’s sentenced to death but only has so much time to persuade the others. He does so with the knowledge he’s obtained around Attin. I really liked this scene.
3. KB and Wim have a nice moment after the group splits up to get back to the ship. KB’s implant is mostly damaged and she’s unable to properly move and is seemingly on the verge of death. Wim manages to step up and repair it with the help of KB. What I find interesting here is the implant in the back of KB’s head. She mentions it’s because of an accident but doesn’t explain what happened which leaves a sense of curiosity in the character.
What I Disliked
This is only a small dislike in fairness compared to the overall aspect of the episode. You can’t tease the lightsaber and then do absolutely nothing with it. No mentions, no sign of it, nada. I don’t doubt we’ll get some action with it but I was hoping it would be used way before now.
Favorite Moment
The 4 kids regroup after a decent moment. The ship is seemingly being taken for scrap, Fern and Neel who are climbing jump onto it as it’s being transported. Wim and KB are surrounded by junk robot creature things. Fern manages to pull down and save the other 2 before making it back to the ship. The development is great here because it shows how much the kids have learned. They get the ship started and even manage to take off. Well played. That entire scene sequence was epic.
Standout Character
It’s a very difficult one to gauge this week as they all stood out in their own right but I think the person that deserves it here is Fern. She was great. She had the bravery to save the other half of the group and also get the ship free from being scrapped, it’s impressive above all else and it shows how far her character has come.
Another strong episode without a doubt. Skeleton Crew may not be a show that everybody is talking about but it deserves to be. This episode is a testament to how entertaining this series has been in its entirety.
Rating 8.5/10

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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 7
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 8.5
Quality - 10
Another strong episode without a doubt. Skeleton Crew may not be a show that everybody is talking about but it deserves to be. This episode is a testament to how entertaining this series has been in its entirety.