Please be aware, if it wasn’t obvious enough, this review does contain spoilers. If you don’t want the movie to be spoiled we would advise you to exit from the website/article.
I think everyone can agree, the lead-up to the release of this movie was absolutely phenomenal. The internet was flooded with rumors, “leaks”, theories, and more right up until the release of the movie. No one exactly knew what to expect with this movie.
The hype surrounding this movie has been at the Avengers Endgame level of hype which for a movie like this was absolutely insane and I can fully admit, the hype, the excitement has all been worth it.
Now going into this movie I had a slight idea of what is to come involving Spider-Man and his villains from what we have seen in trailers, TV spots, and just the general marketing from the movie, however, I was still amazed at seeing these scenes play out.
The overall story for the movie was definitely a heartfelt story, Peter’s life has been wrecked, his friends MJ and Ned have both been ruined for simply knowing Peter. All three of the characters have failed to make it into college because of the events of Far From Home and Spider-Man being framed.
The scene in which Doctor Strange and Peter are doing the spell to make everyone forget that Peter is Spider-Man plays out the same way we’ve seen in trailers but witnessing this play out in the overall bigger picture of the story was amazing and quite frankly, visually stunning.
The movie was one of the better-paced movies I’ve seen in recent times, the movie didn’t feel rushed or had any forced scenes. I was allowed to sit back, relax and watch it, I didn’t have to keep up to date with scenes as I did with the Snake Eyes movies that were released a few months back.
The movie was filled with some incredible action which honestly kept me on the edge of my seat watching though, the action sequence we saw between Peter and Doc Ock on the bridge was so much better in its glory. The sequence felt so fluid and natural, you could tell that they tried their best to give the viewers an excellent fight and they delivered.
The choice of villains for this movie? Absolutely perfection. Each villain had some sort of motivation to be there, to be going after Spider-Man. Each villain didn’t overshadow the other. Each showcased their worth and value as villains which were something I loved to see.
Another thing the movie did well was the surrounding civilians in New York City. They showcased just how ruthless they can be wanting to see Peter Parker when his identity was revealed, they literally stalked this man and turned on him in a second, it was honestly so good to see but also showcased how easily they could be manipulated by one video.

The story for this movie was absolutely great, continued from Far From Home and expanded into this new movie. The movie essentially focuses on the downfall of Peter and his friend’s lives when Peter is exposed for killing Mysterio. The story truly made you feel for Peter as he had to witness the depression, the sadness, and somewhat anger on the faces of Mj and Ned when they didn’t get accepted to college.
This was expanded on when he found out that each villain’s fate was to die at the hands of Spider-Man. The story did a fantastic job at portraying Peter still feeling bad for Tony and somewhat Mysterio so he chooses to defy fate and go up against Doctor Strange to help these villains to get a second chance.
The story also didn’t force Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Men into the story. They naturally flowed into the movie and were a comedic entrance after an emotional scene between May and Peter. The introductions to these versions of Spider-Men were a perfect entrance. It was hilarious to see the interaction between them and Mj and Ned.
I’ll begin with the main universe characters first. Firstly, Peter Parker was great, this is Tom Hollands’ third solo movie for the character of Spider-Man, and by god did they continue the character development for Peter. Peter’s arc in this movie was truly incredible to witness. Peter is truly handling the loss of Tony, Mysterio, and his friends incredibly well.
Mj and Ned were fun to see in this movie, often being there to comfort Peter in his time of need. Both of these characters received some well-needed character development especially Mj who has truly become a fan favorite character now. Ned is the comedian of the trio and truly bounces off each character he shares a scene with.
Happy and Flash Thompson. Firstly, Happy wasn’t as great as he normally is, Happy felt weird, and just slightly annoying. Flash Thompson however, I absolutely do not know why he wasn’t needed in this movie, he did nothing for me in this movie. I’ve always disliked the character of Flash but this movie is just catapulted my dislike for him.
The villains, Doc Ock, Sandman, Electro, Goblin, and Lizard. As mentioned above, each villain showcased their value and showcased their character development for past characters. The villains who had the most development in this movie were Goblin, Doc Ock, and Electro, they were truly great to see. Sandman and Lizard did feel like they were there just to fill out the roster but nonetheless served their purpose and wasn’t boring or annoying.
Now, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. What an entrance these two past Spider-Men had. They both entered in the same scene and each entrance was filled with a comedic purpose and a “shock value”. I’ll begin with the OG Spider-Man, Tobey’s Spider-Man was an older version of the character and truly felt like a leader among the trio of Spider-Men. His reunion with Doc Ock was so good to see, the pair both felt like their respective characters pre-Doc Ock turning bad.
Andrew on the other hand still developed his version of the character. I truly believe that this would have been the character that we would have seen in the third Amazing Spider-Man movie had it not been canceled and rebooted. This version of Peter wasn’t truly recovered from the death of Gwen, as stated himself, he went down a dark path after the Amazing Spider-Man 2, not holding back his punches when in a fight, he was releasing his rage when in a fight. Again, this is a version we would have seen if the Amazing Spider-Man films were canceled.
For the full cast list, you can visit IMDB by clicking here.
As previously mentioned, the hype and excitement for this movie was absolutely skyrocketed, and rightly so. This movie 1000% lived up to the hype and more. Over the course of many months rumors, leaks, questions, theories, and more all were released, with every single piece of leak or news the hype rose quickly.
For me, the hype that this movie was positive and negative. The positive was that this movie was going to be absolutely great and the negative was that with all this talk of people showing up it was kind of killing the hype like some people were really hyped for a certain character to show up in Andrew Garfield, he was continually asked if he was in the movie when he was promoting his own movie. Imagine this hype and he didn’t show up? People would flood to hate the movie.
5 Favorite Moments
1. The Doctor Strange and Spider-Man fight. We got teased throughout multiple bits of marketing with this showdown. Seeing this play out on screen in it’s entirety was absolutely beyond amazing. The visuals, the action, the dialogue were just so fantastic that they blew me away while I was watching it.
2. Peter taking control of Doc Ock’s tentacles and capturing him that way was absolutely genius. Peter fully used his nanotech to control and take control of Doc. It was honestly surprising to see. We got to see this in a TV spot but for me, and many others thought it was just to save Peter but it was honestly more than that.
3. The chemistry between the 3 Spider-Men. It was honestly such a blessing to see these three share a screen together. As the chemistry between all 3 of them was just instantly, you could literally see and feel the bond between them forming before your eyes. I loved the bit where we see Andrew’s Spider-Man and Tom’s Spider-Man get weirded out because of Tobey’s webbing coming out of him instead of a gadget.
4. Peter tries to save Goblin but in the process losing Aunt May. This scene was honestly heartbreaking. I teared up at this scene because of how emotional it was. The acting between Tom and Marisa in the scene truly made it great. We saw in this scene how much May loved Peter and that she told him he did the right thing and before dying telling Peter the famous line… “With great power, comes great responsibility”.
5. The ending when Tom’s Peter wasn’t holding his punches back against Goblin because of what he did to May. You could literally feel the pain, the anger that Peter showed in this scene, and when he was about to impale Goblin with his glider, Tobey stopped Tom’s Spider-Man from doing something he’d regret only to be stabbed by Goblin.
I absolutely did not dislike anything about this movie. It was perfect.
Absolutely. This movie is the best Spider-Man movie that I have seen. Go at your earliest opportunity. The movie is in cinemas worldwide. Do not miss this in cinemas.
An absolutely perfect movie, and a fantastic cast. The story and action were superb. The movie didn’t force anything even the introduction to the villains and Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Men. Willem Dafoe as Goblin once again was such a great villain choice and truly captured that menacing Goblin feel.
Rating: 10/10
Spider-Man: No Way Home is available in cinemas worldwide. Visit your local cinema’s website for further details on how to book tickets.
The Review
Story - 10
Structure - 10
Quality - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Hype - 10
An absolutely perfect movie, and a fantastic cast. The story and action were superb. The movie didn't force anything even the introduction to the villains and Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire's Spider-Men. Willem Dafoe as Goblin once again was such a great villain choice and truly captured that menacing Goblin feel.