I have been calling for ONE thing since the game launched. Just one. New Game+, and as May the 4th hit, my prayers were answered.
Included in a free update was New Game+, Inquisitor outfit, red lightsaber colour, and combat challenges.
Some may be disappointed, and wanted further story additions, however, for free, can anybody really complain?
My biggest issue at launch, was after you complete the game – you lose all the colours you got for your lightsaber, so essentially you had to play through with the standard green, blue, and orange (pre-order bonus until recently) until you managed to get the kyber crystal again.
Now, we get to play through not only with the colours, but any customisation options you unlocked through your playthrough, and with an added colour of the much needed red. Which sounds absolutely beautiful when ignited by the way!
Added on top of that, is extra customisation options for BD-1, and a couple of new lightsaber customisations which look great.
You get the colour, and the Inquisitor outfit straight from the off which is great. Moving onto the next is the combat challenges.
These are accessed by the meditation points throughout the game and offer a wide range of challenges. Some easier than others. There’s a challenge you have to fight through all the lightsaber-wielding enemies through the story. One after the other.
They’re challenging, even on the easiest difficulty that’s for sure.
All in all, the DLC was welcomed. It brought me back to the game, and excited to swing through another playthrough of getting lost in tombs, and struggling to find my way back to the ship. Every. Damn. Time.
For me, this bodes well if the developers are still working on adding content to the game. I think if we are playing as full Jedi, some Jedi robes would be a great addition!
What are your thoughts on the added content? Are you happy, or disappointed? Let us know down in the comments below.