Season 1 Episode 1 – “Kids from an ordinary planet discover a surprising secret.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The episode begins with a space battle where we see a ship that is protected by the New Republic get hijacked by a group of pirates. The first battle of the series was intense and it was a decent start to the series.
2. It’s an interesting planet that this series is starting out on. The main characters are in school and even then this whole pick a career and that’s how you’ll contribute to the world is a very unique insight into yet another planet within Star Wars lore.
3. With this series I’m getting a mixed bag of different things. I get the Goonies, Home Alone, and Star Wars all mixed into one show. Could this work as a series? Potentially. After around 24 minutes I’m enjoying it so far.
What I Disliked
After the first action scene, the action just died out. It left this action and went into a slow build of a story. While I get they need to pace the show but having this decent action scene and then nothing for the rest of the episode was sort of a letdown.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be when the kids stumble upon the ship and it accidentally sets off through hyperspace.
Standout Character
Honestly, not many characters stood out in this episode but if I had to pick, it would be Wim. He was the main character.
Overall a fun episode. Was it the best Star Wars debut episode? Far from it. I like the vibes of The Goonies, Home Alone, and Star Wars. I’m hopeful that this show can surprise me throughout the season.
Rating: 7.4/10

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The Review
Story - 7.5
Actions - 4
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 8.5
Quality - 8
Overall a fun episode. Was it the best Star Wars debut episode? Far from it. I like the vibes of The Goonies, Home Alone, and Star Wars. I'm hopeful that this show can surprise me throughout the season.