Season 1 Episode 2 – “A surprising first stop marks the beginning of an unexpected journey.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I do like how this planet the kids are from has something suspicious going on involving the higher-ups on the planet as well as the droids. I wonder if this planet is truly good or is there something else going on with it?
2. I will admit, I do like how they are incorporating more space pirates into the Star Wars mythos. I mean, yes we’ve seen plenty of pirates within the Mandalorian shows but this is truly about pirates and honestly, I’m all for it.
3. The aliens and life within the Star Wars universe never fail to amaze me. From the designs to the voices to the portrayals, the universe is one of the very best.
4. The introduction to Jude Law’s character, Jod Na Nawood. From what we have seen, he’s a force user turned pirate. I’m excited to see more of his character as the season goes on.
What I Disliked
Honestly, nothing much memorable happened within this episode. It felt very quick and felt somewhat like a filler episode which doesn’t bode well for a 2 episode debut.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be seeing SM 33 come in and save the children and absolutely ruin some pirates before ultimately having his body “killed”.
Standout Character
Honestly, I’m giving this to SM 33. Nick Frost as the voice for this character was such a fantastic choice.
Honestly, while the action was better within this episode, it did feel like a very quick episode usually when they release two episodes on the same day, you go in expecting an action-packed, story-driven two episodes but I didn’t feel like that with this. Overall, this episode was slightly better than the first episode.
Rating: 7.6/10

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The Review
Story - 8
Action - 8
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 7
Honestly, while the action was better within this episode, it did feel like a very quick episode usually when they release two episodes on the same day, you go in expecting an action-packed, story-driven two episodes but I didn't feel like that with this. Overall, this episode was slightly better than the first episode.