EA recently unveiled their new game very recently, and a teaser trailer dropped giving us Squadrons. A game that is set in space combat, and two sides fighting in the air.
The trailer was met with mixed reviews among fans, most of the negatives came from the fact Battlefront 2 had similar modes in their game and were not popular there either, which does make sense.
However, I am excited to see what they manage to do with the game itself. Of course, it’s early days yet and we don’t have much to go on. So, here’s 5 things that I would absolutely love to see included.
1. Customization
We know one of the aspects of the game that was confirmed is customisation. However, I don’t want to just change a few things with my ship. I want in-depth customisation options, the ability to customise my ship in great detail.
Especially more than anything, the cockpit. Considering we know the game is largely going to be first-person, this would excite me being able to customise inside of the ship.
Dependant on the ships, and how much control we have, I would love to build a ship with different options giving each player that unique feeling when they’re flying around in their ship.
2. Fleet Wars
One other thing that has been essentially confirmed, but this is a mode that seriously needs to be done correctly for it to work. I’d like a tower defence style mode where you can choose what ships to send out into the battle, whilst controlling any ship at any time.
This does bring a new element into the game instead of the one thing many fans are worried about, and that’s the game only being a dogfighting game similar to the modes of Battlefront 2.
I definitely think adding a mode like this into is absolutely unique and will give the players the freedom to play out the battles the way that they want to instead of just flying into space and shooting ships. I know for me personally, that would get exceptionally boring very quickly.
3. Story Mode
Seemingly teased in the trailer, but Battlefront 1 had a similar trailer was online only so this does worry me again. I struggle to think the game will do well if it’s just a simple dogfighting mode as I posted above. An aspect of a story would do great.
I understand with a game like this the story will be short, and I am absolutely fine with that. I believe a story could set a precedent with a brand new story going forward with a potential series, dependant on how the game goes as well.
They could include certain RPG elements into the story, maybe even give us multiple endings, but ultimately I will be happy with a straight forward linear single-player mode that gives us a new story to experience.
4. Canon Connections
Time and time again, we have specific video games, TV shows, books, comics, and other material that seemingly just switches us from being canon to legends, just like that.
If this game is to have a story mode attached, it needs to be canon and not switching up if the game performs poor in aspects. Hera has been shown in the game from the popular animated TV series, Rebels. So, this does give me hope in this.
The game is set after the events from Return of the Jedi so there is plenty of canon characters they can introduce to make it interesting if they chose to. This may seem like an obvious selection in this list, but it is Star Wars after all.
Of course, the game is only going to be a smaller game in comparison to Battlefront, Fallen Order etc so I am not expecting a AAA Game of the Year, but I am getting more and more excited with the little news snippets EA is dropping.
What are your thoughts on the game? What do you want to see? Let me know down in the comments below.