
Star Wars: The Acolyte “Choice” Review

Season 1 Episode 7 – “A bitter truth is revealed.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. I do like how we see Torbin get spoken to by Osha and Mae’s mother alone and her telling him that they can help him, manipulating Torbin because of what he wants. This is interesting but yet smart, singling out the Padawan.

2. I also do like how Mae went in and did the Jedi test and rushed it through leading the Jedi to know that she was lying. They also quizzed Mae on her marking and the ascension. This leads Sol to do another test with Osha.

3. Master Sol and Torbin make it inside of the castle, they speak to the mother and then the mother begins to use her magic when another member of the witches and Torbin begin to attack each other but Master Sol manages to strike her down.

What I Disliked

1. The scene where Master Sol was talking to Torbin and the camera panned from behind Sol looked like it was not dubbed correctly, it looked like Master Sol’s jaw moved just out of sync with the voice. This could have just been my eyesight but it sure looked like it.


2. Honestly, the speeder bike scenes. They looked horrible. I am so disappointed in the scenes as the budget per episode was quite high and they should have made these scenes better.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment would be Kelnacca being controlled by the witches and attacking Master Sol and Torbin. Kelnacca unleashes that Wookie rage towards the two Jedi. Kelnacca causes scars on Torbin’s face and then begins to attack Sol.

Standout Character

Honestly, for me… the standout is Kelnacca. Although he had a little bit to play in this episode, seeing a Wookie Jedi go all out trying to kill was something I had been waiting for.


Although this episode was slow at times and did deliver a great fight scene and twist, I do not believe that it was smart to do another flashback as an entire episode, especially this close to the finale. I am curious to see how the last part of the season plays out.

Rating: 7.8/10

Jodie Turner-Smith and Margarita Levieva in The Acolyte

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The Review

Story - 7
Action - 9
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 8



Although this episode was slow at times and did deliver a great fight scene and twist, I do not believe that it was smart to do another flashback as an entire episode, especially this close to the finale. I am curious to see how the last part of the season plays out.


Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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