
Star Wars: The Acolyte “Lost/Found” Review

Season 1 Episode 1 – “The Jedi pursue a suspect after a shocking crime.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. The series immediately kicks off on Ueda, where an assassin is looking for a Jedi. They find the Jedi in the cantina and immediately begins to ask for a duel, although the Jedi refuses to initiate the fight, the assassin then lures the Jedi into a fight by attacking civilians. This fight scene was so well done and the choreography was so great for a fight scene that I was immediately impressed with it. If this is how the fight sequences will be throughout the season then it’s going to be such a great series for action.

2. We then cut to a ship in space where we get to see Mae, the assassin who killed the Jedi Master Indara. Although the Jedi question her whereabouts on the evening of the killing, Osha confirms she was on board this ship, although the Jedi have a witness that proves it was her. I wonder how this will play out for Osha now.

3. While Osha is being transported to Coruscant to stand trial for the murder of Indara, the prisoners who are also on the prison ship escape, leaving Osha on a ship that is crashing. In this moment we get to see how OSha’s personality is when she could leave a prisoner but decides to save him instead, although gets left on the ship without an escape pod.

4. We get such a unique scene where we see Osha on Carlac while she sees visions of her sister Mae. She follows her sister through these visions from her home burning down to both of the sisters being young and Osha asks Mae if she killed Indara.


What I Disliked

Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment would be the introduction to this new Sith. He doesn’t do much but he explains to Mae that the Acolyte kills the dream. This new Sith sounds very menacing. I need to know more about him.

Standout Character

Honestly, I am giving this to Mae. For her introduction to the series is not only killing a Jedi but killing a highly-skilled, highly-liked Jedi Master is so great.


The opening episode of the season was great. It laid the groundwork for the Sith to return and opened the series with a great choreographed fight sequence that if that continues the action throughout the season will be some of the best in Star Wars. The characters and world-building of the High Republic Era are very interesting and I’m curious for more.

Rating: 9.5/10

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The Review

Story - 10
Action - 8.5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9



The opening episode of the season was great. It laid the groundwork for the Sith to return and opened the series with a great choreographed fight sequence that if that continues the action throughout the season will be some of the best in Star Wars. The characters and world-building of the High Republic Era are very interesting and I'm curious for more.


Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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