Season 1 Episode 16 “As Tipoca City falls, the Bad Batch must figure out a way to survive – and reckon with the choices of their former squadmate and brother.”
What I Liked?
1. We jump right into the episode where The Empire is raining down fire onto Tipoca City where the Bad Batch is trying to survive and escape the crumbling city. We then see Rampart on the Stardestroyer watching his work of destroying an entire home planet, we then get to see something interesting that I did think to my self would we get to see, and that is a Clonetroopers reaction to Tipoca City and other cloning facilities being destroyed, we see this Clone hurt inside and you can hear that in his voice.
2. While the Bad Batch and Crosshair are trying to escape, AZ, Omega, and Crosshair get separated from the rest of the squad, in a trapped room with water quickly rising and flooding, AZ and Omega tries everything to free Crosshair from being trapped and eventually drowning. AZ and Omega eventually free Crosshair when Wrecker manages to open the door a tiny bit for the trio to be flushed out of the room. Crosshair asks as his usual moody, angry self and Hunter tells him that this was The Empire, if he wants to stay and die he can, but they are leaving.
3. We haven’t truly seen the life under the floating cities on Kamino, so when The Bad Batch is running through the tunnels in the ocean, they get followed by a giant creature, very similar to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gonn in The Phantom Menace, they only manage to escape when AZ turns on the last of the cities power to electrocute the creature.
4. We then get to see just how smart Tech is when he comes up with a plan to use the test tubes as floatation devices to get them to the ocean surface, it also hinges on AZ managing to direct the tubes out of the way of the metal and other sinking structures in the ocean, this is where AZ makes the ultimate sacrifice and uses the last of his reserve power to save Omega when her tube gets pinned by some sinking metal.
5. At the end of the episode, The Bad Batch and Crosshair make it back to their ship, they offer Crosshair a choice to stay here and wait for The Empires scouts or just rejoin them and make decisions for themselves, Crosshair decides to wait, Omega tells Crosshair that they are still his brothers, and he is hers, before departing Kamino.
What I Disliked?
1. The second part of the finale was slightly wasted, with no true action, but a lot of survival and setting up connections to future projects in Star Wars, I felt like this part of the finale should have been the first part, and the second part should have been something more worthy of a finale.
2. Omega once again ignores the instructions given to her when she leaves her test tube to swim and save AZ who has lost power and is sinking to the bottom of the ocean, she risked her life for a droid, while I get she wants to help people, this was absolutely stupid.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment came towards the end when all members of The Bad Batch make it to the ocean surface, Omega is drowning and Hunter is preparing to go down and help when Crosshair points a sniper to his head, he then shoots just missing Hunter and hooks a grappling hook onto the droid pulling up the droid and Omega.
Standout Character
It’s a hard choice but I think I have to give it to Omega, she helped get the team out of trouble, saved Crosshair and AZ.
The Verdict
For a finale, this wasn’t it. The second part of the finale was basically just an expansion and connector to future Star Wars live-action stuff including Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker, Grogu in The Mandalorian, and a few other stuff, the second part delivered no action whatsoever, it was basically just an escape room episode.
Rating: 7.5/10
Photo: Star Wars: The Bad Batch “Kamino Lost”.
Story - 10
Action - 4
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 6
For a finale, this wasn't it. The second part of the finale was basically just an expansion and connector to future Star Wars live-action stuff including Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker, Grogu in The Mandalorian, and a few other stuff, the second part delivered no action whatsoever, it was basically just an escape room episode.