Season 2 Episode 16 – “The heroes are tested.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Picking up right where the last episode left off, the Batch trapped on the cable line. While being shot at by Stormtroopers in another cable car, Tech says he could potentially restart the power but he has to connect to the track. He seems to have the hardest and most dangerous job.
2. Tech realizes what needs to be done while hanging from the cable car which is nearly breaking off the track, if any movement or another shot hits the cable car, they all die, and Tech tells Wrecker to break off the car. Wrecker tells Tech don’t you do it, Tech responds with “when have we ever followed orders” and shoots the car, falling to what seems to be, death.
3. Echo causes a distraction to allow Hunter and Wrecker to break free of their restraints. They manage to get free and try to stop Hemlock’s shuttle from leaving with Omega. The Batch manages to get back to their ship and escape into space. No way to track the ship, and the team was in ruins with members taken or dead. Truly the first true time the Batch has been in this dire situation.
4. We find out that the female Doctor that’s doing experiments on the Clones and Crosshair is actually Omega’s sister. This is a unique reveal.
What I Disliked
Crosshair was in the episode for mere seconds and didn’t have a single line. I thought he would have spoken to Omega.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment I knew was coming, Sid, turning on the Batch. The Clone Commandos come bursting in and take down Wrecker immediately, while Hunter stays behind to save Wrecker, he tells Omega to run.
Standout Character
Tech. Any character that makes the ultimate sacrifice for the family is easily the standout.
Overall, an emotional action-packed, intense, and crazy finale that has set up many reveals including season 3 of The Bad Batch, Palpatine’s plans for the future, and the future sequels. Overall a solid finale.
Rating: 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Overall, an emotional action-packed, intense, and crazy finale that has set up many reveals including season 3 of The Bad Batch, Palpatine's plans for the future, and the future sequels. Overall a solid finale.