Season 2 Episode 10 – “Attempting to recover a lost asset, the Batch must learn to trust a thief.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I love that the droid, Gonky has an actual connection to the Batch, allowing the team to track & trace his location to head to retrieve the ship back. I love that the droids in Star Wars always tend to have some sort of feelings and emotions.
2. The team has 30 seconds to rope down a shoot that fires a massive burst of heat energy out every 30 seconds. Hunter is first to go down, when he nears the bottom a soldier comes out causing him to fight Hunter, and Hunter barely makes it into safety.
3. I also really like how Hunter is willing to allow Omega to go alone in some missions, he’s come to truly trust Omega and feels like she’s trained enough to do so. The character development of both characters is truly amazing.
What I Disliked
Tech, the “supposedly” genius of the Batch, never once thought that they could track the droid? Come on now, I’m having trouble believing that he would have stopped thinking about every outcome to get the ship back.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be the standoff between the two groups, The Batch and the thieves who stole the ship. Omega had proved that the leader lied to the kids and Benny shows that to the rest of the group, causing the group to turn on Marko.
Standout Character
I’ll give this to Hunter, he had a couple of badass moments throughout the episode, put himself in danger in the furnace to allow his team to survive if it went wrong, and timed his grapple perfectly to save Omega.
Overall, another filler episode. While the episode did have a few great moments, it wasn’t a stand-out episode by any means. Omega being allowed to go off on missions by herself is becoming more of a thing that I do like.
Rating: 9.3/10

The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8.5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
Overall, another filler episode. While the episode did have a few great moments, it wasn't a stand-out episode by any means. Omega being allowed to go off on missions by herself is becoming more of a thing that I do like.