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Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Should Commander Cody Appear in the Series?

Over the course of many years, fans have formed attachments to many members of the Clone Army in the Star Wars Universe, from Commander Rex, Fives, Echo, Cody, and many more, the last time we saw Commander Cody was in The Clone Wars series.

We know there was a rumored story involving Cody debuting in the animated Star Wars series “Rebels”, as stated in one of The Stupendous Waves videos, you can check it out down below.

Should Commander Cody show up in The Bad Batch?

Should we get to see Commander Cody show up in The Bad Batch? I believe we should get to see this iconic character return to canon, as I believe he would fit right into the story of what is currently happening in The Bad Batch. Commander Cody is such a great character, he’s up there with Rex.

In the latest episode, we see Cad Bane return and capture Omega while knocking out Hunter. We came to learn that the Kaminoan’s were the ones who placed the bounty and set these bounty hunters on Clone Force 99 would make sense to see Commander Cody back on Kamino.

I believe Commander Cody could more than become an ally or even a villain in this series, especially if we see Clone Force 99 return to Kamino and try to get Omega and even Crosshair back and disappear into the galaxy once more.

Commander Cody’s story was short in the Star Wars canon side of things, we obviously saw him in The Clone Wars and in Star Wars live-action in episode 3 where he “killed” Obi-Wan but since then he’s sort of disappeared in canon, while his story in Legends has been expanded upon.


Do you think we should see Commander Cody return to Star Wars canon?

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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One Comment

  1. I believe that Rafa and Trace will find Cody and remove his chip before he head to Kamino meets up with Bad batch.

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