Season 3 Episode 15 – “Omega and the Batch battle Imperial forces for their freedom.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Omega and the other children put their escape plan into motion. Omega and the two children hack into the droid while another keeps watch for the doctor to come. I do like how Omega has truly come into her own and has grown into this great character.
2. I love how important the Zillo Beast has been within the shows, from The Clone Wars to The Bad Batch. It’s always been a major threat and something Palpatine absolutely loves to use. I wonder what experiments they were doing on it at this base.
3. I’m so glad that Wrecker and Hunter fully trust, fully like, and are back to normal with Crosshair now. Crosshair speaks to the two about them going to the communications tower while he goes in alone because not all will return but Hunter and Wrecker tell him that Omega needs all of them.
4. Honestly, I love the clones. They’ve been prisoners for a long time and the first thing they do when they are free? Offer their selves for the upcoming fight against the Imperials. This is one of the greatest things I love about the Clones.
5. The moment the Batch gets free and takes down all the clone assassins just as Echo is about to be executed was such a fantastic scene. Seeing Wrecker get truly angry was great and seeing Hunter and Crosshair get angry as well was even more great because it’s something we barely see throughout the seasons, we typically see it in a finale episode and it continues in this finale.
6. The moment it comes down to. Hunter and Crosshair aimed in on Hemlock holding Omega hostage was such a great scene and it showed just how much Omega trusted Crosshair even with his issues with aiming lately.
7. We get a flash forward, an older Omega, and Hunter on Pabu. Omega wants to go and be a pilot for the Rebellion. Hunter tells Omega that she is their kid and she tells him that they have fought enough wars and that this is her fight. It is such a nice touching scene.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be seeing the Batch go up against some clone assassins. While the two groups do put up a fight against each other, the Batch does get captured and Echo sees them being brought in.
Standout Character
Honestly, this was a hard choice. I’m going to have to go with the entire Batch. I can’t choose a single character for the standout.
This finale was everything. The coming together of three seasons ended on a positive note where no one major got killed off in the finale. The story was fantastic and wrapped up a three-season story arc which delivered the funding of the Death Star. The action was top notch too. I loved every moment of this finale.
Rating: 10/10

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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
This finale was everything. The coming together of three seasons ended on a positive note where no one major got killed off in the finale. The story was fantastic and wrapped up a three-season story arc which delivered the funding of the Death Star. The action was top notch too. I loved every moment of this finale.