Season 3 Episode 5 – “Tensions rise as our heroes navigate new dynamics on a dangerous mission.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I do like how the reunion between Crosshair and Hunter and Wrecker hasn’t immediately been fixed. I do like how they’ve left some tension there that Crosshair has picked up on like the two not fully trusting Crosshair.
2. Crosshair takes the team back to a base that Crosshair was at earlier in season 2, the same base where he killed an Imperial Officer. Hunter sees Crosshair walk off so he sneakily follows him and sees Crosshair picking up the Clone’s helmets and putting them neatly on a box instead of the floor.
3. A giant creature attacks the team. The team has to work together to get the perimeter back up and running so it stops the giant creature. Hunter is stuck in the caves before the ice. Wrecker got the power back online but they still need the worm past the perimeter.
What I Disliked
Echo makes his return but no Rex in this episode? I would have liked to see Rex with Echo since the two have been together on a ton of missions.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was when Hunter and Crosshair finally spoke. Hunter pushed Crosshair into telling him why he finally made the Empire’s enemy list. Crosshair tells him he killed an Imperial Officer and that Hunter is mad that Omega got caught because of him and is mad that she escaped with Crosshair’s help instead of his.
Standout Character
I’m going to give this to Crosshair. This was a big episode for him reconnecting and opening up to Hunter.
What felt like a really quick episode for the main story and action, the episode was all about the development of Crosshair. This was a big episode for him reconnecting and opening up to the team, about him being with the Empire, him being on their hit list, and more.
Rating: 8.4/10

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The Review
Story - 7
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
What felt like a really quick episode for the main story and action, the episode was all about the development of Crosshair. This was a big episode for him reconnecting and opening up to the team, about him being with the Empire, him being on their hit list, and more.