Season 2 Episode 3 – “Clones battle against a separatist hold out.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The opening scene showcases 2 sides of The Empire. Firstly, it shows that the Empire just arrives and states that they are taking over and that they have no choice in the matter. On the other hand, it did showcase an Imperial general that seemed a little bit nervous about his duties.
2. Crosshair gets cleared for duty, after spending 32 rotations stuck on the ruins of Kamino. Crosshair gets tasked with taking down a separatist leader on a planet. Crosshair isn’t ready to be a commander again so he gets put under the command of an old friend… Commander Cody.
3. Crosshair, Cody, and the rest of the squad are flying into land when the droids from the separatist army get told to get into formation and take down the ship. I loved this scene simply because it showcased that the droids are not always stupid.
4. The teamwork between Crosshair and Cody is insane. This was purely the Clone Wars era, you can tell that the soldiers in the Galactic Empire dwindled when they put out the Clones and started recruiting regular humans as soldiers.
5. This episode fully made you feel sorry for Cody, and somewhat Crosshair. You felt sorry for Cody because he doesn’t seem to want to be in a war again, you get this sense of regret, heartache, and doubt. With Crosshair, you get this feeling of being a loner, an outcast, and someone who is on the line with being a soldier and wanting to go back to his brothers, whether he admits that or not.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was simply Crosshair. He tells Cody a plan, they get into cover from the tank while Crosshair will draw its fire. Crosshair shoots the tank a couple of times to get it to move its barrel, he does this while sitting still inside of explosions that are literally at his feet, he waits and gets the perfect opportunity to take down the tank with one shot. Amazing.
Standout Character
I’m honestly torn between Crosshair and Cody. Cody can get this because of his regret, his doubt, and just being a human, having those doubts and questions against everything the Empire is doing, but also Crosshair can get it because of the insane shots, as well as his brutal no-question execution. I’ll give this to Crosshair.
For an episode dedicated to purely the Empire, and having no actual member of the Bad Batch in, this episode was beautiful. This was purely Star Wars, this was a purely Clone Wars-era story. From the moment it began to the moment it finished it was a beautiful episode. It showed that if the Empire wants a planet, they can take it, they did it with this episode and they only sent a tiny squad in.
Rating: 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
For an episode dedicated to purely the Empire, and having no actual member of the Bad Batch in, this episode was beautiful. This was purely Star Wars, this was a purely Clone Wars-era story. From the moment it began to the moment it finished it was a beautiful episode. It showed that if the Empire wants a planet, they can take it, they did it with this episode and they only sent a tiny squad in.