Season 2 Episode 8 – “Brought into a risky mission, The Batch must use stealth to survive.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I do like how Echo told Omega that he basically joined the Batch because that’s where he fit after his traumatic time as a prisoner for the Separatist army and told her how they saved him, he would still be a prisoner or worse if it wasn’t for them.
2. I do like how the team has allowed Omega to finally go on a mission by herself. Similar to Anakin in a way by protecting a Senator. The Batch goes ahead and sneaks onto Rampart’s Ventator ship to find the proof that has been hidden by Slip to prove Rampart destroyed Kamino.
3. Of course, the mission doesn’t go as stealthy as the Batch would like, to get the proof they need, they need to alert the Imperial base that they are there. Echo and Tech get to work finding the proof while Rex, Hunter, and Wrecker fend off the Imperial soldiers.
4. Emperor Palpatine gives a speech to the Senate. While Rampart takes the blame, Palpatine also uses this to his advantage to get rid of the Clone army… in somewhat a “legal” way.
5. This is how Echo leaves the Batch. This is something he has to do, he has to join Rex to help the Clones going forward. I just hope he survives cause in Rebels, Rex is with Wolffe and Gregor, and Echo is nowhere to be found.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply be Senator Riyo attacking Rampart in front of the entire Senator, by having a Kaminoan, and the proof that she needs to prove that Rampart destroyed Kamino. Riyo shows the entire Senate the footage of Ramparts ships destroying Kamino. This is when we get to see his appearance of him… Emperor Palpatine. Rampart gets arrested for his crimes.
Standout Character
Everyone had an equal amount of time to stand out, but I’m going to have to give this to Echo. He knows what he needs to do and that is to leave the Batch and help Rex to help the Clones.
Overall a fantastic ending to a 2-part episode. This episode was an action-packed, incredible story, and the appearance of Palpatine truly made it incredible. The fight within the Imperial shipyard was amazing, and of course, explosive.
Rating: 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Overall a fantastic ending to a 2-part episode. This episode was an action-packed, incredible story, and the appearance of Palpatine truly made it incredible. The fight within the Imperial shipyard was amazing, and of course, explosive.