The final season of Star Wars The Clone wars recently ended which has set the Star Wars fandom alight. The final season finally gave fans the ending we truly deserved.
The Story
The story started off in the first couple of episodes from the Jedi’s perspective and Rex’s mission to save Echo who has been used by the droids as a counter the toe Jedi Order’s battle plans. We get introduced to The Bad Batch who is this overly confident squad of mutated clones.
While throughout the season we see Anakin showing signs that only Vader would have, like cockiness, brutality, and just being a badass. After 3 or 4 episodes we then switch perspectives to Ahsoka not long after she left the order.
Now, for me personally this is where the season slowed down, which is not always a bad thing but I personally believe the season would have been so much better if we got more of the Bad Batch story then Ahsoka’s story with 2 sisters who she meets in the underworld on Coruscant. After a short while with Ahsoka, Bo Katan, a Mandalorian comes and asks for her help in taking Mandalore back from none other than Darth Maul. This is all going on in Episode 3 of Star Wars.
After a big battle for Mandalore, Maul gets captured and taken to a Star Destroyer ship with Ahsoka and Rex and the rest of the 501st Legion. When their on the ship, both Ahsoka and Maul feel Anakin turn to the Darkside and feel the other Jedi die at the hands of the Clones. Ahsoka manages to capture Rex and removes the inhibitor chip from his brain.
We also get Maul escaping the ship and trying to survive the Clones trying to kill him. This is when we get to see just how angry and in tune with the force Maul actually is. He manages to go through waves of Clones without a lightsaber and then destroy the engine with his bare hands.
Now for Star Wars fans who’ve read the Ahsoka novel, they’ll know how Ahsoka and Rex survived Order 66 but for casual fans of the franchise, this will be completely new. Ahsoka and Rex crash land on a planet and then fake their deaths by placing Rex’s helmet on a grave along with other 501st members and Ahsoka dropping her lightsaber on the ground.
Something I didn’t expect to see was Lord Vader himself appear in the series. After his battle with Obi-Wan and his operation for him to go into the suit, He goes looking for Ahsoka, to see if she survived Order 66 but when he finds the wreckage, he picks up her lightsaber and walks off.

Favorite Moments
I had a couple of favorite Moments throughout the last few episodes of the season. First was the entire Siege of Mandalore. The war and battle between Clones, Mandalorians, and the Death Watch were just so incredible to see and then the Ahsoka and Maul fight was just pure Star Wars. The fight scene between the two is my #2 fight in all of Star Wars.
Second favorite moment was the last episode from start to finish. It was epic to see Ahsoka and Maul’s escapes in Order 66 and to see how powerful a Jedi Ahsoka was.
standout Characters
Rex – Throughout the entire Clone Wars series we’ve seen Rex go from Kamino to Order 66, he’s grown in leadership and he’s stayed loyal to the very end.
Ahsoka – The character development of this single character has been so great and I can not wait to see her in live-action.
Maul – No matter what he appears in he’s always a standout character.
The Verdict
The final season of the Clone Wars delivered a perfect ending to a show that’s been deserving of it. The final season gave us an amazing story from start to finish. The season started off fast-paced, slowed down then just took off again in the last 5 episodes. Seeing Ahsoka and Maul both feel Anakin turn to the Darkside and feel the deaths of Jedi was amazing. I loved the incorporation of soundbites from Episode 3, like Palpatine’s scream, Anakin’s “what have I done” to Mace Windu’s “He’s too powerful”.