Season 1 Episode 10 “As Henry Jr. hones his newfound skills, uncovered secrets from his family’s past force him to make a difficult decision; Courtney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick’s latest plan brings them face to face with a member of the ISA.”
What I Liked
1. Pat and Courtney are forced to tell Barbara the truth. As she looks through old photos of Starman and of course her husband as Stripsy, Barbara does not take the news too well and places the blame on Pat, and then goes on to say Courtney’s dad is not Starman.
2. Henry watches his dad’s tape from the day his mother Mary died. As it turns out Mary was Starman’s brother. After Jordan killed Starman, Mary did not go away silently, and therefore was brought to her death potentially by Jordan, triggering an anger inside Henry.
3. The cosmic staff makes a risky move and goes after Jordan itself. Brainwave manages to stop the staff, while Jordan grabs it and freezes it, which was all seen by Henry.
4. As Courtney is walking around Blue Valley, Henry approaches her. As Courtney touches Henry she is able to see everything he see’s. Including the fact that Starman is Henry’s Uncle. Henry tells Courtney where her staff is, and agree’s to help her stop Icicle.
5. The team (including Henry) enter the large tunnel where the Injustice Society all gather together. Rick and Beth come across Solumun Grundy, who killed Ricks Parents. Meanwhile, Courtney, Yolanda and Henry come face to face with Dragon King and all of his henchmen. The fight scene was particularly amazing as we see Courtney fight, without her staff.
6. Henry and his father have a difference in opinion and clash. His father wants to continue with the Injustice Society, and Henry is adamant he knows his father is better than that. That is until Brainwave admits to Henry that Jordan didn’t kill Mary, he did. After tensions rise between the two and they can not agree on what is right, Brainwave in a shock twist appears to kill his own son by bringing the roof down to collapse on top of him. Henry once again apologises to Yolanda, and tells Courtney she was right, there are good people and not to let what’s about to happen change her mind.
What I Disliked
1. Yolanda’s attitude was once again quite irritating this episode, After finding out Henry wishes to help them, she tells Courtney she will no longer be her friend, and refuses to believe Henry could have changed.
Favourite Moment
Henry and his father have a difference in opinion and clash. His father wants to continue with the Injustice Society, and Henry is adamant he knows his father is better than that. That is until Brainwave admits to Henry that Jordan didn’t kill Mary, he did. After tensions rise between the two and they can not agree on what is right, Brainwave in a shock twist appears to kill his own son by bringing the roof down to collapse on top of him. Henry once again apologizes to Yolanda, and tells Courtney she was right, there are good people and not to let what’s about to happen change her mind.
Standout Character
Henry yet again takes the standout character for the second week in a row. Henry has a change of heart after finding out what happened to his mother. He wishes to join Courtney and her team to stop the Injustice Society. Unfortunately, Henry did not get much of a chance when his father chose the Injustice Society over him.
Apart from the small dislike regarding Yolanda, this episode was incredible! Filled with action and some interesting twists along the way!
Rating 10/10