Season 3 Episode 8 – After a recent experience renews Courtney’s confidence, she sets out to make amends with those around her; Jakeem puts his foot down after Mike shares his latest plan; Beth makes a major discovery that leads to a terrifying battle no one saw coming.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. A small thing but I couldn’t help but pick up on it. Courtney called Pat “Dad” for the first time, and I just thought it was so sweet. He’s definitely earned that title.
2. I love that Courtney’s intuition very rarely fails her. After being forced apart all these years Courtney suggests bringing Jennie and Todd together is what they needed and of course and was right. She’s a brilliant leader and proves this in every episode.
3. The shade helping Todd and Jennie with the shadows was a lovely touch to their story after Pat explained those were the orphans left behind after he helped the ISA which resulted in the death of Green Lantern. Well played to him for stepping up to help them.
What I Disliked
1. Once again it looks like Courtney doesn’t have her staff. I don’t mind this every once in a while but we have barely seen her as Stargirl this entire Season so it’s becoming quite disappointing now.
2. A few things I’ve noticed throughout this episode are that the CGI was certainly lacking at times. It was especially the green “fire” that was stemming throughout, it just looked ridiculous.
3. I assumed Jennie and Todd’s story somehow tied into the main story of this season so I am disappointed now knowing it had absolutely nothing to do with it. It just took up two episodes of the entire season and had no impact on the main story.
4. I said in my last review I was hoping this return of Jennie would make up for the poor attempt at Green Lantern the first time and it didn’t. The best we got was her connecting with her brother, that was it. Nothing exceptional.
5. Once again, no villain. Honestly, it has been totally dragged out now. I didn’t mind the first few episodes for the “who done it” aspect. It was interesting and fun to keep throwing guesses and theories but now it’s just a bit irritating.
6. I’m not going to lie, the term “team” is used very loosely now when describing the JSA. Another episode of them not being together or working together as a team should. It’s completely pointless.
Favorite Moment
Pat and The Shade are trapped in the shadowlands and some of the scenes were pretty hard to watch. The Shade’s sister dying was particularly tough, more so how much it hurt him.
Standout Character
The Shade definitely deserved standout this week. His acting was amazing as we watched him react to his Sister dying, also helping Jennie and Todd with their powers was a lovely touch.
Not a great episode this week, we had some good moments but realistically that entire episode served no purpose to this season.
Rating 4/10
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The Review
Story - 3
Action - 1
Characters - 5
Entertainment - 6
Quality - 5
Not a great episode this week, we had some good moments but realistically that entire episode served no purpose to this season.