Season 3 Episode 5 – As Courtney continues to secretly help Cameron, the team notices she’s pulling away from her role as the JSA leader; Mike and Jakeem approach Cindy with a proposition; Yolanda’s decision to follow her intuition leads her to make a shocking discovery.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Couldn’t help but laugh at Beth accidentally cheating on her test because of the goggles. Her reaction was brilliant and Sylvesters was even better. While she was mortified he was congratulating her, it was great.
2. Obviously couldn’t go a week without a hilarious scene between The Crocks, Barbara, and Pat. Just another hilarious encounter between the four of them.
3. I’m so glad Courtney stuck up to the group in regard to Cameron. I’m still not sure he should be trusted but it’s the principle. She’s completely entitled to have some of a normal life herself and it’s not fair for the group to expect her to have no other life other than Stargirl.
4. An interesting take on the hourglass. Sylvester tells Rick that the hourglass has a limiter, which is why it can only be used for one hour a day, which leads Rick to believe if he removes that he will have strength 24/7. While I find this interesting I have a feeling it’s a bad idea. The limiter was in place for a reason and I can imagine it’s so the strength is not taken advantage of.
5. I’m glad to see the team finally starting to participate and actually play a role in this season. Up until now, we’ve seen very minimal from all of them and I can finally feel that changing.
What I Disliked
If that opening scene genuinely is telling us that Cindy is the killer then that’s very disappointing. We’ve already had her as a villain, I was hoping for a much bigger and much better reveal than that.
Favourite Moment
How did Sylvester manage to go from charming to terrifying in 0.2 seconds? The anger in his eyes, his voice, and his entire demeanor just changed and it was insane. The ISA really brings out another side to him and you can tell even Yolanda and Rick were afraid of what he might’ve done at that moment. Well played to the actor being able to just switch it up like that!
Standout Character
I can’t believe yet again I’m going to have to give the standout to Sylvester. The guy is playing his role impeccably as Starman. It’s gotten to the point where it feels like he’s the star of the show when the show is Stargirl. It’s a shame because we know this isn’t going to last.
A good episode this week however I’m finding myself coming out with more questions at the end of every single episode. But I am glad we had more participation from the team this week!
Rating 7.4/10
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The Review
Story - 8
Action - 2
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
How did Sylvester manage to go from charming to terrifying in 0.2 seconds? The anger in his eyes, his voice, and his entire demeanor just changed and it was insane. The ISA really brings out another side to him and you can tell even Yolanda and Rick were afraid of what he might’ve done at that moment. Well played to the actor being able to just switch it up like that!