Season 3 Episode 4 – After one of Sylvester’s plans results in an unexpected outcome, Pat calls upon an old friend for help; Beth uncovers a new suspect in their murder investigation; Courtney reaches out to Cameron.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. It was pretty brutal seeing Sylvester in the hospital after the attack. He’s already become a pretty loved character throughout this season, so it’s hard not to feel for him as he’s not having a very good time at the moment.
2. The scene between Dr. Mid-Nite and Sylvester was very sweet as they talked about their life now. We also found out how Sylvester is alive and how he’s healing faster. It seems his body is absorbing the Staff’s Cosmic power.
3. Very interesting that we have a potential return of Dragon King. I don’t hate this idea purely because I did feel like we didn’t get to see enough of this character.
4. I’m going to just take a moment to appreciate Paula’s handmade ornament for Barbara. I think you just have to laugh at the irony of this friendship.
5. The Crooks literally end up in these articles every week, first it was Barbara’s handmade ornament and now we’ve got Larry sharing a drink with Starman and Pat. What a guy.
6. Another sweet moment between Sylvester and Pat after realizing he needs to leave Starman behind.
7. Courtney really does see the best in people and I absolutely loved that moment between her and Cameron as she helps him bring out the best in his gift.
8. Another sneaky little plot twist with Cindy right there at the very end as it’s revealed the skin cell belonged to her and she’s been carrying out experiments on herself. Honestly, I’m a bit thrown every week with Cindy I genuinely have no idea what she’s up to.
What I Disliked
I am becoming slightly disappointed in the actual “team” if that’s what you even want to call them. As of right now Rick and Yolanda may as well not be in it at all they’re not playing a single role in any of what’s going on. A couple of episodes I can let slide but we’re onto episode 4 now.
Favourite Moment
Well, I think it’s safe to say the cats are out of the bag with Cameron after he literally exploded with Ice. I feel so sorry for him and the way he’s being manipulated. He genuinely seems like a good person but his family is certainly manipulative.
Standout Character
I want to give it to Sylvester this week, again. He’s definitely been one of the best characters of the season so far. We know that Courtney will likely become Stargirl full-time again given the name of the show, but I’d like to see them go somewhere with that cosmic absorption going on that Dr. Mid-Nite was explaining.
A really good episode this week, the only thing I will say is I’d love to see a bit more action hitting our screens soon. We need some more fighting scenes. I get they haven’t actually caught the guy yet but it certainly wouldn’t go a miss.
Rating 7.7/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 9
Action - 3
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 8.5
Quality - 10
A really good episode this week, the only thing I will say is I’d love to see a bit more action hitting our screens soon. We need some more fighting scenes. I get they haven’t actually caught the guy yet but it certainly wouldn’t go a miss.