Season 3 Episode 9 – After a recent experience renews Courtney’s confidence, she sets out to make amends with those around her; Jakeem puts his foot down after Mike shares his latest plan; Beth makes a major discovery that leads to a terrifying battle no one saw coming.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Hearing Pat’s story on how he got full custody of Mike absolutely broke my heart. After sharing custody with his Mother, she left Mike overnight at a Shelter on his own, and he was brought to Pat by the police the next day. I think this has been the most upsetting scene this Season.
2. Well that was very unexpected! Cameron’s grandma killed Mr. Deisinger after he visited their home with concerns about Cameron quitting Art. Pretty brutal really as she kills him with an Icicle to the heart.
3. It’s nice to see Yolanda finally taking Courtney’s side with something and standing by her, it’s not something that happens often.
4. After our huge fight scene (see favorite moment), Cameron’s grandparents reach a disagreement, while his Grandmother encourages him to kill Rick, his Grandad begs him not to make the same mistakes his dad does. Sadly this is followed by his Grandad having a heart attack.
5. We finally have our villain for the Season, Ultra-Humanite. I’m not going to lie I don’t know really anything about this villain and I was kinda hoping the villain was going to be a character we already knew but I’m just glad we finally have answers.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
Finally an absolutely insane fight scene. The first one this Season I feel is worth ranting and raving about. Let’s start with Rick Vs Cameron. Absolutely incredible moves from the pair of them, they certainly met one another’s match, I loved that Cameron was still trying to protect Courtney throughout this. Then we had Yolanda vs Cameron’s Grandma, this had to be Yolanda’s best fight scene yet. She did outdo herself on this one and certainly got the better of her quite a few times. Finally, to top this off Beth learned a skill that is built into her suit, Combat mode. Obviously, it wasn’t perfect, I would’ve judged if it was, that kind of skill doesn’t just come instantly but I’m so glad to be seeing her actually participate in the action.
Standout Character
I think I will give the standout this week to Yolanda. It’s a tricky one because they all played their parts very well but I feel like Yolanda’s character had the biggest turn around in terms of attitude and her fighting skills were unmatched.
A fantastic episode this week which I am so relieved to say after a poor few weeks. It’s glad to be reminded of the show’s potential and I hope it remains that way for the remainder of the season.
Rating 9.6/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
A fantastic episode this week which I am so relieved to say after a poor few weeks. It’s glad to be reminded of the show's potential and I hope it remains that way for the remainder of the season.