Season 3 Episode 7 – After Beth makes a major discovery on The Gambler’s laptop, the team moves forward with a risky plan that affects the entire town of Blue Valley; Jennie returns and seeks help from Courtney.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. After making such a mess of The Green Lantern story the first time I’m glad they’re revisiting it and I’m hoping this time it will be a bit more interesting. This time the story seems more focused on Jennie’s brother Todd, when she activated the ring it also affected him. We don’t know how yet but again I just hope this is going to make up for the messy first attempt at this storyline.
2. Nice to see The Shade back on our screens and actually participating as well. He became a big favorite last season but he just seemed forgotten about this time around.
3. Yolanda’s parents know she’s been lying and push her into giving them answers. After begging them to trust her and give her space she’s given an ultimatum to either tell the truth or get out. I think the reason I am glad she stood up for herself is that her parents have always been overly strict. Yolanda makes her decision and goes to Barbara for help.
What I Disliked
1. The way the writers have written Rick’s character this Season has just been embarrassing to watch. Just seems so pointless and egotistical walking around smashing everything up for no reason whatsoever. Rick’s character has probably been the biggest letdown so far this season. Hopefully, they can turn it around.
2. Very slow this episode other than Todd’s story there wasn’t much else to rant and rave about. The team wasn’t a team yet again, we still don’t know who our villain is and the episode as a whole just seemed a bit scattered. I really do hope they can turn this season around because I do feel that compared to Season One and Two it has been a bit disappointing.
Favorite Moment
After trying to save Todd, he turns into some kind of Black Demon figure unable to control himself. After unleashing some form of dark power Pat and The Shade are sent to what seems to be the shadowlands. This has probably been the most interesting thing to happen this Season as we haven’t yet had a face for our villain, this was very random but interesting so I will take it.
Standout Character
Slightly strange one as we didn’t see too much of the character but I’m going to give the standout to Todd. He had the most interesting storyline throughout this episode and the best scenes.
Not an amazing episode this week but I did enjoy Todd’s story and hope to see more of that.
Rating 6/10
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The Review
Story - 6
Action - 3
Characters - 5
Entertainment - 6
Quality - 10
Not an amazing episode this week but I did enjoy Todd’s story and hope to see more of that.